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Past and future moddeling at a slow speed

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...and then again...

Hmm. Since I wrote my last post, there has been exciting news in the world of OO gauge. The sleeping giant from Devon has announced ‘proper’ OO gauge track, possibly with points, and both Joseph Pestell and DCC concepts seem to be about to produce some points as well. This plus that I saw my friend’s newest hand built points again, and I weakened. He is even tempting me by doing the offering to do the Templot work for me! So having made up my mind, I am going to claim the prerogative normally u



... on the other hand

I have just come back from driving 200 miles in the snow from Copenhagen, where I stayed with my friend who has started building track in OO-SF. I am frankly staggered by how good it looks and how smooooooth the points feel when running wagons through them. I like Tillig track, but his third attempt at a point is in a completely different league. It’s like comparing a BMW 3 series to a Bentley. He reckons that I could do the same, but I don’t know, My normal measurement system when doing anythi



Get thee behind me...

Happy new year everyone. Richard my friend from Copenhagen was here for new year’s eve as usual. In Denmark it's a big thing to celebrate it with friends, Lots of food, drink, and fireworks until about 3.30 in the morning, and after a couple of Irish coffees, he was persuading me to change from Tillig track to hand built track. He’s just built his couple of points in OO 4-SF or something like that. They look brilliant, and I do like the proper sleeper spacing. To quote a certain TV presenter ”Ho



What next

As I wrote at the end of my last post, I’m feeling the itch to move on to phase 2. This is a much more ambitious plan to model the end of the branch line at Chard junction where the line meets the mail line from London to Exeter. It is a very strange junction as you can see from this plan.     My idea is to retain the Model of hatch station and to build the new station on the other side of the room. One of the things that I have learnt that I miss is the ability to sit and watch the trains



Power and control

One thing I was pretty certain of when starting Hatch was that it was going to be DCC. I chose after much reading of reviews an NCE Powercab as a starter system that could be expanded later, possibly somewhere down the line in the future computer controlled. So I knew that I was going to use DCC to control points as well, but I was equally against having to remember accessory codes for all points. So I wanted to have the best of both worlds I had already chosen Tillig track which does not have s



Hatch station: building the d... thing

One of the problems with building a specific prototype layout is that you cannot just buy the buildings you need. In the past I have assembled superquick buildings with an amazing tendency to cut off the tabs you need to glue things together. As for my success rate with IKEA flat pack furniture… So obviously for a first attempt at scratch building it would be wise to start with a garden shed, so I started by building a Brunel Chalet type station which according to the English national Heritage



Having got the track down it’s time to start on the …?

I have the attention span of a five-year-old, so at this point I started on several projects at the same time, scenery, scratch building the station, goods shed and platform, and ballasting the track, and the electrics for points and control panel. If I got bogged down in one of them, I just moved on to the next. This is a certain technique for not getting very much done at all. Luckily I have a good friend who lives in Copenhagen, every time he visits I get a fresh dose of enthusiasm, and the p



Fase 1 Building Hatch Baseboards and track laying

Fase one of the project was building the Hatch station section together with a couple of fiddle yards at each end. I decided to build the layout on four baseboards so as to be portable. (during fase2 it might need to move around the room). I wanted to try an open frame section hence the track and road running down to the fiddle yard at the right hand end. This yard is about 10 cm lower than the rest of the layout, as I want to try making an incline. The plan can be seen here   The boys start



First Post, Who am I, and what will I blog on

After being directly encouraged by a number (smaller than 2) of RmWebbers to start a thread about a new modelling project, I decided to have a go at a blog. This first post is intended to introduce me and outline my plans for an extension to my model. I am an ex-pat Brit living in Denmark. My first Hornby trainset arrived on my 6th birthday in 1972. By my early teenage years, I had far too much stock running on a layout that was built on two 6’ by 4’ pieces of unsupported and therefore sagg



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