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Rolling stock (mostly NSE era) for my mid to late 1980's little layout.

Entries in this blog

A Tale of Two 47's and Some Air-Con's...

With everything grinding to a halt for a couple of days owing to the descending fluffy stuff (now rapidly disappearing thank goodness!) it has been time to finish off some items on the workbench.   First up, the first Vi-Trains Class 47 repaint I have attempted:   The only NSE liveried model possible from the current crop of cheap 47's now being all but given away was 47711 'County of Hertfordshire' by virtue of this being the only NSE 47 that had cut cabs both ends after an argument wit

John M Upton

John M Upton

Vic Berry, neo classical style!

I think I can safely say I now have enough parts to commence the Networker project, the difficult bit comes now but that won't be for a couple of weeks yet as there are a few Mk2 air con coaches and a Class 47 stuck in the queue ahead of it at the moment.   One corner of my workbench now resembles a sort of neo classic homage to Vic Berry:   Suffice to say you can see what I will be spending my Christmas and Boxing day doing!! The plan at the moment from all the various bits I have mana

John M Upton

John M Upton

Things are beggining to come together

Since the completion of the Jaffa Cake 4-CEP, attention has turned to a more modern EMU of Kent persuasion to which end I have been accumulating Hornby Class 466 Networkers and bits thereof with a view of eventually producing a four car 465.   I know this has been done before by others and compared with the hackery that I had to employ for the 4-CEP should be at least a bit easier! Result of all this at the moment is that my test plank resembles BREL Derby works.   I had forgotten about how

John M Upton

John M Upton

4-CEP 1500 - Almost Complete!

All the painting is done, most of the transfers and all four cars have been reassembled amidst the usual grunting, swearing and threats with a deadly lump hammer...   The two DMSO's standing side by side on the workbench. I wasn't originally going to do the mods to the corridor connections but later relented and quite glad I did now as they do look the part. Unfortunately if you are a scale passenger standing on the platform, you will be able to see the joins, having said that, I recall

John M Upton

John M Upton

4-CEP 1500 - First DMSO Complete...

The first car of my converted 4-CEP 1500 has been all but completed. With the exception of transfers (black lining and numbers mostly) it is completed and now has been reassembled so time to pose it for a first picture.     Carefully parked of course to disguise the fact that the next stopper to Charing Cross is a tad short formed...   Now to get on with the rest of the cars!!

John M Upton

John M Upton

4-CEP painting and a NSE RMB

Unfortunately due to mostly working earlies, oh and all my rest days as quite frankly I like the money... I haven't been able to devote as much time as I would have liked to this but I have progressed with the aim of getting the first DMSO finished.   The main paintwork has now been completed, the cab front corridor connection has had plating added to the sides (plastic card) and yes the inner ends are now dark brown:     Hoping to get the whole DMSO completed with reassembly, lining and

John M Upton

John M Upton

4-CEP Progress (or rather lack thereof...)

The bodywork modifications to the TBSK proved to be the most difficult of the four cars. At the moment the replacement panels are now in place but currently await attacking with the milliput as at the moment you can definitely see the joins!! Still, getting there....

John M Upton

John M Upton

Further Progress...

The other DMSO has been modified structurally but I did not bother taking a pic as it looks just like the other one!!   The TSO has also now been tackled. The bogies changed over (I am getting quicker at that now, the first one I did took an hour, these two took ten minutes!) and the open standard interior installed after some surgery to get it to fit.     The original claims from Bachmann when they first announced they were making the 4-CEP was that it would be based on their Mk 1 coach

John M Upton

John M Upton

4-CEP 1500 begins her transformation...

Hello   For years I have been always interested in Network SouthEast era operations and the recent arrival of the Bachmann 4-CEP with further EMU's to come has seen me return to the modelling era I like the best.   This is my workbench thread (I hate the term Blog, sorry!) to record some of the rolling stock that I am working on for the layout.   Current project is the conversion of a standard Bachmann 4-CEP into the refurbishment prototype, unit 1500 in Jaffa Cake livery.   The root of

John M Upton

John M Upton

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