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Boarded up and Boxed in



This is one of those days where a lot of effort doesn't seem to show much.


The boards are at last finished and ready for track, barring a few adjustments (e.g. the hole through the backscene to the fiddle yard is slightly too small and needs opening up).


Photos of the layout set up:-








I decided to use some small rubber feet as sold by Station Baseboards (http://www.stationro...k/cart_feet.htm) to raise the main boards slightly and align the fiddle yard board on the correct level, my original intention was to achieve this via fold down sides, but the more I thought about this the more faff it seemed and I doubt I would have ever got it right! Three feet are used for each board to ensure stability


These feet can be seen, along with the various methods of joining the boards below:-




The dowels between the main boards proved a bit of a headache as the male ends could not be left insitu as this made the board too long to fit in the box. The holes were sanded out slightly large and the male ends mounted on a small insert board. This is then bolted into position. The board can be seen in the next photo, a small cut out had to be made on one side to avoid the leg bolt. The fiddle yard board is in place in its storage position inside the first board.




The backscene can also be seen in its folded up position. The backscene itself is currently cut from 4mm MDF. When folded the up the three layers take up nearly a 5th of the depth of the boxfile. I may replace the MDF with some 1mm card. This will probably be strong enough and take up less space. I intend to get a photo backscene produced which will attach to the MDF or Card, this will hide the joints and the corners. After some thought on how to hinge the backscene I opted for the simple solution of duct taping the lot together, although the roll of tape I've used is rather old and already starting to lift so I expect it will need replacing with newer tape; this only a few minutes job so nothing lost.


Final shot shows everything packed in the boxfile (it does fit!); the boards will be stored the other way up once the track is laid and the spring clip will be removed.




All that is required now is a lick of black gloss paint to tidy up and I'm ready to lay the track. This will force the decision on the backscene though I will need to allow a sufficient rail overhang to bridge through to the fiddle board.

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

It does look well designed.


Thanks for the tip about the rubber feet, exactly what I need.

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Very interesting thread. I'm enjoying this a lot, although I model in 4mm scale. I am a very keen Killin-enthusiast and I'm planning a min space OO layout, inspired by "Lawers" and by Killin/Loch Tay photos. Just got a Thomson brake compo and am shortly buying a Standard 2-6-4 tank. Shame no one does a r-t-r Caley tank, of course, in 4mm. I'm going up there in June next year for a family holiday, staying in Callander, so hope to walk some of the Killin line and have a look at what's left, if anything. I have collected a lot of printed material, photos, articles etc on the Killin branch over the past 30 years, plus the two recently published p/b books on it. If you want to talk Killin branch with another modeller/enthusiast, maybe drop me an email? (mbta1004@yahoo.co.uk).

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for your kind words and offer Julian.


It might be wise to use the Private Message (PM) function of RMWEB and remove your email address from here though. There are malevolent people out there who use software to scan sites such as these for addresses to spam, and worse.


My private email address used to be available via the British Triathlon web site as I was our tri club contact and at one point I was receiving upto 200 spam emails per day.


I am intrigued by your comment on the use of a Thompson brake compo though, I had always thought it was a Thompson 5 compartment brake third (D361) that was used on the line, a 4 compartment (D360) was brought on in 1965 the final year of operation?


I had thought the 6 compartment coaches, which were in operation prior to 1962 when the standard 4MT tanks arrived, were ex-LMS brake 3rds (D1964) although I've never been too sure.

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  • RMweb Gold





The points will be operated by SEEP point motors, these were the shallowest I could find (mounted sideways).

I hope to have the first one mounted for the next blog entry over the weekend.


They will be operated by DCC from the main controller (save on a control panel in a small layout), at least one will be on a NCE snapit. I haven't decided on the switch for the other three.

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