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blog-0389245001388271512.jpgOff work with chest infection, day time TV is terrible, never done a blog before so thought would give it a go. Working to convert a partially built Walthers Russell Plough to WC 301 that might end up having a few runs on WRMS Menasha layout which will be appearing at the Pontefract show 26/27th Jan 2013. This is one of the prototype photos being used.blogentry-9435-0-21683500-1358938537_thumb.jpg


Starting point for the conversionblogentry-9435-0-18122500-1358945972_thumb.jpg


Removal of all moulded on detail and detached side ploughs ready to be cut down



Inserted packing pieces and channel to create lip. Added strengthening piece to rest of





Side plough cut down and test fitted, angled piece added to bottom of plough. Door window blocked in and ready for fillerblogentry-9435-0-04145300-1358946266_thumb.jpg





Back at work today so little progress made, run out of small strip material and was easy to nip to Wakefield Model and Craft Centre but is closing down so will have to find a new source for those bits and pieces


Added inset gas bottle cage to side and re modelled the cupola as per the image. Additional strapping added to Plow.




Great day exhibiting at the Pontefract Show, thankfully for the show the snow is has melting so model Plow will not be running but if in or around Pontefract they could do with your support





Good numbers at show today and met by the rest of the Menasha team that layout had won a trophy for best non British layout in show! Bought some horns and ordered freight steps for the plow


Tuesday 29th Jan


Mixed faded Wisconsin central maroon to cover the yellow of the kit. Colour is maroon with humrol flesh acrylic added. Has dried flat.


Wed 30 th long day at work so unwound by making winter windows, gas bottles and painting gas bottle area. Cut slots under door sills.


Friday 1st Feb steps and bits came in post from Model Junction so able to complete the shell and details ready for completing paint job then glazing of cab.


Although faded colours prototype images. Indicate not a lot of rust or weathering


Monday 4 th Feb final bits and pieces have arrived and can now finish details and complete paint jobblogentry-9435-0-81895000-1390173731.jpg

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Pontefract was very snowy but the plow was not completed but the Jordan plough was used on the layout. 1 year on and Menasha will be at the a Canterbury Show Jan 2014 and the aim is to have finished the plow.


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Basic weathering and detail added. Will add WC shield and number when all paint etc dried. I think will look OK parked up but due to due restricted side swing on the front bogie not sure what curves will go round!

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