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End of side two - approaching the end(s)



With TFMP being out for the day, I've been able to crack on with this little project all afternoon. I go through phases with this, sometimes I really get into it and can achieve a lot in a what feels like a short length of time. Other times I don't really 'feel it' so get distracted, and don't achieve much at all.


The second side is just about there now, I think. I've highlighted the panel lines with dark grime washes, and added the rust underneath the door hinges with powders - a mix of Mig Vietnam Earth, Black Smoke, Industrial City Dirt and AIM Grimy Black. I've added some rust wash from the exhaust on the roof at the front, again using gouache - it really is a wonderfully versatile medium.




The masking tape depot plaque worked again, although it nearly ended in disaster - I hadn't noticed that I'd put the Metals flash over the corner of it, so when I removed it some of the transfer came away! :O Luckily I managed to retrieve the part, so managed to stick it back down with matt varnish.


Work will now commence on the ends, although these are straightforward compared to the side, so I may even have this finished this evening! I need to make myself some sort of photo plank, now that I've no layout to take pictures on. It'll be a useful exercise too - there's some techniques that I want to try out.


I think I've hit upon the next project already. :lol:


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  • RMweb Gold

Nice... I like the oily, faded, mucky, worn and generally unkempt feel of your work... if it were a horse I'd report you to the RSPCA!

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Hi Pugsley,

I like the the marks where the double arrows have deen removed ,nice touch. icon_thumbsup2.gif I was just thinking the other day about a board I could lay some track on, it would allow me to take pics outside, my other option is to knock some holes in the garage wall.icon_lol.gif


Cheers Peter,

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