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Now that the Servo TOU's have been installed, it is time to start thinking about groundwork. On Copenhagen Fields the majority of the 'world' is plywood, being covered with buildings. Here at Maxstoke I am going back to open country, so the basic ground former for the foreground land is based on artist's chicken wire stapled to plywood formers. Over this is painted on a liberal quantity of white PVA and strips of newspaper- both on top and under the chicken wire.


Now chicken wire is ok, but can be very prickley to use, so towards the rear the ply formers are first overlaid with a lattice mesh of strips cut from a cereal packet (Curiously Cinnamon - for the record!). Again newspaper and white PVA is painted on; in layers. The buildings are sat on a plywood piece that will be removeable to afford access to the servo unit below. These are not the final buildings, but are used to give an impression of scale etc.




I now need to go cut some more formers and buy some more cereal, if I were modelling a later era perhaps 'CO-CO pops' would be the preference, but as it's steam era 'Puffed Wheat' will be adequate. :sarcastichand:

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Sometimes the old methods are the best Richard. Tried and tested!


Saying that, with your experience on Copenhagen Fields I do not doubt that this is going to look really good.


Missy :)


P.S. I like those Curiously Cinnamon things too :)

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Coming along nicely Richard. Always good when the landscape starts to take shape.


I'm more of a Fruit and Fibre man myself though.


Regards, Andy

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I used to eat a lot of those when they were cinnamon grahams first time around but nowadays I be mostly eating krave. I'm sure they used to be hazelnut wheats or something similar?

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You can't trust chicken wire these days -it might be contaminated with horse wire ;)


You seem to be making really good progress with this layout - it certainly shows the merit of not being too ambitious.

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