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William Clarke style goods shed



After my etched brass diversion, I'm getting back on track and making the buildings for my 7mm GWR branch line project. I want a goods shed to compliment the station building, so something designed by William Clarke would be ideal. I also want a style of shed that's platform mounted and has a track running through it, finishing at an end loading platform. I spent sometime researching possible prototypes, the "Modelling Questions, Help and Tips" section of the forum was very useful (Thanks to all), along with information by PM and email, (Thanks Ian!)


Unfortunately despite this help I've been unable to find a prototype of the right size and position for my layout. In an attempt to resolve this situation, I've decided to design and build a goods shed in the architectural style of William Clarke. Quite what he'd make of my attempts to interpret his designs, is anyones guess, probably best to draw a veil over it! The design I've come up with, has influences taken from Abbotsbury, Fencote and Bearley Goods Sheds. Ashburton Shed, although not a William Clark design, has also influenced the overall proportions of the model.


After a number of sketches and scribblings, I drew up the following 7mm scale plan.



From this drawing measurements were taken and the sides of the building were cut out from Slaters Plastikard Flemish Bond sheet. Bricks were removed to allow for the addition of the stone quoins, that are a prominent feature of William Clarke's buildings. The brick sheet was then laminated to layers of plain 40 thou plastic card using liquid poly, to increase the thickness of the walls. Due to the open nature of the shed it will be fairly easy to see inside, with this in mind the internal surface of the walls were also laminated with the brick embossed styrene sheet.



Once dry, the sides were glued together ...


Platform elevation



Yard Elevation



20 thou plasticard was then cut into 5mm x 5mm squares and 7mm x 5mm rectangles to represent the stone quoins. These were then glued into position on the internal and external walls. (Much quicker to type, than do unfortunately!)





Well that's the progress so far! I'd welcome any comments as usual, try to be gentle regarding my presumption with William Clarkes designs!


Best wishes



Edited by wenlock
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Guest jonte


So that's how it's done!!!


Yet another masterpiece well on it's way, Dave.


Shall follow with interest; thanks for sharing,



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Jonte, glad you like the progress so far! I've spent the evening gluing on the remainder of the quoin stones, tedious but hopefully worth it in the end.





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That really does look the part.  After our conversation I remembered that Dymock had a brick built goods shed, although I only managed to find a distant slightly blurry image of it.  Your rendition really does say "William Clarke" to me!


I look forward to seeing this progress.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Dave, what an excellent demonstration of how you work. Very useful. You make it look achievable, which is very inspiring.


As I've mentioned before, there's something fascinating about how you are creating a William Clarke "might have been". It's almost as if the story lives on in a parallel dimension.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Ian and Mikkel, I'm really glad you think I've managed to capture William Clarke's building style. I must admit I'm really enjoying trying to imagine what he would have designed if he was building a platform mounted shed with a through line.


Best wishes



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The photos show all the thought you've put into this.  Very pleasing to follow your work, looking forward to more.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks steve22, I finished adding the stone quoins last night, once it's all dry I can start sanding and filing the stone work.  All being well I'll post an update at the end of the week. 



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