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Progress in to the buffers!



As the final weeks of the summer holiday slipped by I was able to make further progress on the garden railway project. The flower bed, which I dug out before the last entry, was covered in the frost proof sheeting before a good layer of decorative stone was added. I then edged the front with some cheap (£1 shop!!!), but decent looking white plastic picket fencing. All looked very nice and I was ready to head out, purchase the set and get the track temporarily placed down. I also had a helpful message from another member of this site passing on the details of the owner of a local garden railway who was willing to offer advice. Thanks Don!


Sadly it all hit the buffers at that point!


My wife and I had been casting an envious eye over the new housing development on the edge of our estate. Last week we made the mistake of attending the show home opening. That was it! We are now in the process of selling up ready to move. As a result "Project 3G" is on hold. However it will be revived at some point should we complete the move and I have the planning permission from my beloved for that. So this is not the end of the project, just a siesta. Perhaps it can be viewed as a few steps back in order to make more forward!


The move will also mean my home layout, Skaleby, will also have to be taken out. However its planned new home will potentially provide more running space so there is a positive there too. Meanwhile I hope to continue with the Skaleby West extension and I will update that blog in the near future.


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