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BaseBoards and Track Plan



Site survey completed, Aerial views analysed, Couple of train trips past the location to verify some of the details and I was ready to start the track planning piece. I'd already selected the location based on the alignment with the Main London Brighton line. The aerial views gave a good view of the current and probably historic layout so I just had to deal with the returns into the Fiddle Yard. The overall size was constrained by 2 main factors, firstly the length of a module for the WSNG standard and secondly what I could fit in on my existing frame in the railway room. Both 8 feet long by 2 ft wide. With the fiddle yard this was going to be tight so opted to increase the depth to 30 inches but make it removable for use at home if the extra 6 inches became a problem in the room.


I normally do all my drawing by hand on graph paper but as that doesn't work very well for blogging have transposed this to excel which doesn't do the curves very well but gets all the track aligned. All the points are numbered ready for the point motors and wiring, The points at the front of the board are a mixture on short(for the sidings) and medium length for the line transitions. Peco 3 way points in the FiddleYard.




Attached base board drawings




Once the trackplan was completed then moved on with the position and think method of placing the points and sidings on the baseboards and starting the build on the aggregates facility as this was going to be the key building to fit into the area.

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