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GLR Models 3D Printed PKP Px48 build. Part 2





Well the GLR Px48 kits arrived from Shapeways on Monday courtesy of UPS. ;) I'm impressed with the kits and Richard has done a good job of capturing the shape of a Px48 well.


On examination there's a little 'stepping' from the print process on the rear of the tender but generally everything is crisp and forms a blank canvas to add the detail to. There's going to be a lot of it as well. :)


The kit comes as three parts with the smokebox and running plate forming one of the prints, then the cab and boiler and finally the tender print. The HOe version is designed to fit the Graham Farish 8F chassis and it is a good fit with room to add plenty of weight. The tenders will run on Liliput HOe bogies when they arrive from the 009 Society Members Shop.


The pictures below are a couple of quick shots taken on my mobile this evening with the smokebox and boiler pushed together. Both the locos I'm modelling have a few variations on the Px48 theme so I've started to modify the kits to represent the prototype. On the boiler print there are skirts in front of the firebox either side which I've removed opening this area up a bit more.


Firstly, Px48-1784 pictured in the link below doesn't have recessed handrails on the tender so I've started filling the recess with Revell filler. It has the raves on the bunker sides too.






The second loco is being modelled as Px48-1919 and has recessed handrails on the tender sides but no raves. Here's the prototype:




On this tender I've cut of the moulded raves on the with a scalpel before sanding to a smooth finish with various files.




A close up of the tenders together as well:




There's a bit more work to do before giving the kits a coat of Halfords filler primer, then sanding and priming with plastic primer before adding the detail.


More soon. ;)




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Hi Mark,


That looks really great - I must admit I was tempted when I found out about the kit but there is too much GWR / WR stuff on the Little Didcot workbench without adding this too! If you need any more reference material, I have loads of pictures and videos so send me a P.M.


All the best,



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Castle,


Resistance is futile I'll say! :D


Thanks for the offer of more reference material.  PM sent! :)





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  • RMweb Gold

Looking good Mark.


I am sure when it's got that first coat of black paint on it will start to look the part.


Then you can photograph it amongst some static grass...job done :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Das sieht ein fantastisches projekt sein


I shall be following with intrest


Thanks 69843 :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Looking good Mark.


I am sure when it's got that first coat of black paint on it will start to look the part.


Then you can photograph it amongst some static grass...job done :D


Thanks Pete,


This one's going to be the fancy one with a bit of green on the cabsides too!  :)


As for the static grass I've started bulk buying the stuff! :D


These Px48's will look in their element with a couple of Rollwagens in some long grass. ;)

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