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Trying Redutex textures.....

Red Devil


I'd seen various articles and mentions on here about the Redutex self adhesive textures and thought they might be worth a play with to see what they were like, each to their own but I just can't get on with brickpapers so I thought these might be a bit of a half way house having the relief of plastic/plasticard and the self coloured nature of printed papers.


So a sample was ordered from modeltextures.co.uk (usual disclaimer) I went for the Flemish bond brick with dark mortar in the coloured Polychromatic choice. I quite like the dark mortar ones as plenty of older buildings were built with black ash mortar which obviously is dark grey.


Some time ago I picked up a Model Power building under construction kit, this I believe was originally a Pola kit it's European heritage given away to a degree by the slightly ornate building style and construction of the building from stone, brick and stucco. I could never quite get on with it and even though any kit I ever lay my hands on doesn't get built as per instructions this one just seemed 'wrongf'




So as a bit of a trial for the textures I thought I'd use this as a base to build something a bit plainer... The surface relief was sanded off on two sides, the third probably won't get seen if it gets used, to this a little bit of detail was added using Evergreen plasticstrip and painted in a suitable colour.


Then to add the textures....


Quite weird stuff, fairly thick and rubbery but with nice colouring and texture, I found it very easy to cut and position, the glue is a little forgiving taking 24hrs to fully harden, but it does stick and very well.


The Texture from Model Textures came with a 3 page 'how to' hints sheet, very useful and helpful, it can be folded round corners but butt joints, trimmed up are better, this I did trimming any excess off with a scalpel, windows were easily opened out, trimming the damaged brick bits was easy too, overall much easier than I had anticipated.


The major thing I was concerned about was how the sheets would take my normal course of heavy weathering (well it is 'Grime Street') but this proved to be not a problem and they look the same or better than my usual buildings.


Overall, very easy to use, nicely detailed and a great product, I can see me using plenty, admittedly it's nowhere near as cheap as plasticard or brickpaper but the ease of use balances that out for me to a degree. I wish I'd known about it before I scribed millions of setts!


I have a number of Leeds type 2 back to back terrace ends to build, these will be Redutex over a plasticard basic box structure, but that's for the extension after the current extension.


Anyway a few pics of work in progress, much still to do, sills and lintels next from more plastic strip then detail and weathering, might get used now.









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The first photo in particular in this lower set shows the bricks at what might be a usual viewing distance and the effect seems plenty acceptable to me.  Thanks too for the helpful information in your text, it'll help us know what to expect when others of us come to try it.

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