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No point (s) getting complicated !



Hi all,


Here goes then, dont get too excited as this may not suit many but seeing as I was about to start a new project I might as well join in the fun and enter it as my 2010 challenge layout or should I say overgrown photo diorama !


Its not going to win many marks for operational content or ingenuity but for me this is about some top draw realistic photos, cracking scenary including using some stuff I have not tried before and showcasing some weathered stock both new & old.


Lets get the controversial bit out the way first. I HATE POINTS ! Whether it be fitting them, painting them, motorising them and especially, photographing stuff on them. I find them ugly, locos dont look good in pics straggled across them and I feel its quite acceptable on a board this size to imagine my scene & the ground it covers not having any points visable. The other factor is cost. I would much rather spend my money on quality scenics to enhance the pics rather than having to splash out on points, motors, electrics etc etc etc........


So there you have it, no points, but, 5 roads to celebrate the 5th birthday and the 2010 sq in thing nailed firmly on the head with an overall size of 67'' x 30'' which, if my maths is correct equals the desired maximum.


The scenic bit is 48'' by 30'' and the beginnings of a baseboard for this section were started on this afternoon. To the right will be a 19'' fiddle. I am looking at ideas for this bit including a slideable cassette system to move locos from one road to another but for the minute I will concentrate my efforts on the scenic bit and see what develops & suits best for the hidden bit at a later date.


The board itself is going to be a couple of different scenes from front left to back right, however, my plan will be to give everything a 360 finish allowing photos & viewing from all sides. I am hoping the 2 scenes will sit well together on the one board and the scene I create will be believeable enough.


BROOKE STONE then, will be a 2 road loading hopper with a network of pipes & conveyors etc on a raised back level on the board whilst nestling below on the front 1.5' of the board will be stabling sidings, a cripple road for wagons leading to a small reapir facility and a depot building of sorts offering service checks, A exams and undercover refueling for locos not returning to Brooke Wharf or Lane and awaiting their next turn of duty on site, a la EWS and their set up at Mountsorrel.


Boards are 2x1 framework with batons every foot and to cut down on weight 6mm marine ply sides and tops. Not worried about warping as I have batoned the underneath well and I am a lot happier with the weight this time as the 9mm MDF constructions in the past have been a real bu**er to shift about when out photographing !!


Power and control will come courtesy of a DCC Lenz system which is on the Christmas list and the track will be Peco code 75 having tried it and loved the look of it on the Two Way Traffic board I did a few months ago.


Seeing as we have nearly a year I can safely say there will be several new loco & wagon additions for use on the board and I will include the weathering of these items as part of the overall project.


Pictures galore guaranteed and I am keen to scratch build as much as possible so all this will be documented.


A few pics below to set the scene and I hope everyone enjoys watching it develop into the finished article come October next year...........












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Hi Jon - since there are no points have you considered C&L trackwork? It's ready to run in OO and you could use the bull head to represent older sidings.


From what I've gathered Exactoscale also do flextrack base for concrete sleepered code 83, bit more involved in putting together but much more realistic than plain old Code 75? Worth a punt at least...


I've gone the whole hog and am trying P4 - at least at present it's only a Pacer to convert! :)

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Weh-hay, gona like watching this one develop Jon. :icon_clap: I thing the 5 road no points idea is certainly a novel angle on the 5 year aspect of the challenge.


I agree with James on the use of Bull Head rails. I have a length of it I bought at a show a while back an it certainly looks the part. With a bit of your weathering magic I think will look great at the stone facility.


Can't wait for the next installment. Plus, I am glad it will be on the blog format, as I have said before it suite your story telling side.



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Also, forgot to ask, will you work Brooke Stone so that the Brookefield Farm Crossing can be linked in somehow for extended running? But obviously not part of the 2010 size.



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If you you keep the standar of those two buildings up I'm sure you'll have a stunning layout Jon.





Kind regards



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Thanks for the comments Jim, Dave, Paul & James !

Good to get some feedback and motivation at the start.


James - You got me ! Next click after finishing this comment will be to research some decent track. Seeing as it will feature in all the pics it seems worth the upgrade from code 75 !


Paul - Dont get me started ! My lad said exactly the same thing and now wants all 4 layouts linked together before tmow night !!

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