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Decisions, decisions.



Right now I am sat with one of those well known modelling problems, not sure which way to turn. At the start of this year I had two 00 gauge model railways. Skaleby was my 11ft long shelf layout that was permanently erected in our spare room and its little brother, Skaleby West, a 4ft x 1ft micro layout, built for exhibitions was stored alongside it. The latter was considered complete with just the usual maintenance being required, whilst the former was an ongoing project.

Recently we moved into our new build property. Sadly Skaleby cannot be accommodated into the spare room and has been consigned to the garage. The two moves this year has really taken its toll. The track, laid on ballasted foam underlay, has started to lift and needs relaying, probably on cork with new ballast. With such major surgery needed I am unsure whether to rip it up and start again or leave as a long term project for the summer months.

Skaleby West is in the spare room. However in order to join the scenic board to the fiddle yard a short extra board will be needed to allow the layout to fit around the corner of the room. This will also mean the part constructed 4ft extension board cannot be accommodated in the house and could only be used at exhibitions.


So what to do?


Do I concentrate on the maintenance of Skaleby West alongside building the short extension piece to allow me to run the layout at home?


Do I use Skaleby West as a shunting layout, minus the fiddle yards, whilst concentrating on overhauling the layout's goods shed and adjacent area (those who have seen the layout will know what I mean!)?


Or do I start something new?


After all, I do have a 4ft x 1ft baseboard all but complete that is sat doing nothing! During my recent holiday in Norfolk the old grey matter has been ticking over and I rather fancy a small coastal terminus model to include a small station and some sort of goods / harbour area for the movement of fish traffic. I have purchased several of the Hornby and Bachmann fish wagons and a low relief Bachmann hotel building in recent months so I do have something to start with.


Decisions, decisions!


Oh and there is still the planning permission passed for the small G scale layout in our new garden, providing Thomas features somewhere!!!

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Perhaps starting a new project it just what you need, and the coastal terminus idea sounds interesting, I take it your still going to use 00 gauge

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Coward, lol


I even have some 00 gauge stock in the loft, I keep thinking about a minimum space layout but I think its one for a very rainy day

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