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Another Doodlebug into the mix

Sylvian Tennant


So I finished work a few weeks ago and thank god for that! Despite having another 8 hours a day free, I seem to have less time for modelling with other stuff taking prioirty. E.G preparing for University and the likes. However I did manage to get this little darling sorted. The whole process was just over a week (it would have been less had stuff like friends and life not been a pain in the hoop and wanted my precious time). But I am quite pleased with the outcome.




She is 43050, the first Mucky Duck built in Darlington I believe and was based at Haverton Hill for a few months which is not too far from me.






I didn't want her to be completely filthy like my other one but, being an Ivatt 4MT, not exactly clean, or that presentable.




Modifying methods were the same as 43073 explained in a previous blog and weather is as my usual standards. One addition to this, however, is the use of WHSmith artist pencils I found in the loft. Specifically browns, oranges and whites used to add the rust texture to the smokebox and areas around the tender top and tender bulkhead. They were scribbled or dashed on, then dabbed at with a damp cotton bud. The outcome was quite pleasing.




I'm now finding it harder to find different poses for the crew but I won't let creativity stop me :P


She is pulling (as I have generally assigned her to these duty, being from Haverton Hill shed) the rake of Sulphate wagons I detailed in another earlier blog.






I'm having some trouble with these on our exhibition layout as I am led to believe that the track is laid not entirely straight and points are handmade and had what I'd consider bigger gaps in the common crossings and point blades which are not entirely flush with the rails. But most of the ready to run stuff seems to work so I guess I'm out voted :(. I have noticed as well the Parkside bogies can sometimes be a bit crude and may have become slightly un-square when the wheels have been added but they seem to run pretty well on the fiddle yard where peco track is installed. Oh the trails and tribulations.



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"E.G preparing for University and the likes. However I did manage to get this little darling sorted.......................She is 43050"    


Bit old for University :)



Welcome to the ranks of the retired - just don't expect to have any more free time!



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This is as dirty as I like my engines, used but not too flea ridden.

I love that effect you've got on the tender sides - the lines of dirt following the rivets. What method do you use to get that? 

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Yeah, I like my engines used too. I was second guessing for a while because they did get very tatty these ladies but I'm happy with the outcome now. 


That wasn't too difficult. Geroge Dent (Modelling hero of mine) did a couple of articles on the method. 


  • I did all the block painting of humbrol 62 and 33 (tender tops, bulkhead, coal space etc)
  • then I used humbrol 27004, 113, & 29 and a base colour (in this case humbrol 33) as a heavy wash over the whole tender.
  • Before it dried I wiped most of it away with a cotton bud lightly soaked in white spirit. If you want the area cleaner I'd give it another go. 
  • Once that had dried I used a dry cotton bud to buff the sides, getting as close as I dared to the rivet detail. I really highlights the rivet lines quite well.

Oh retired :D awh... I have about 5 years worth of modelling project which I suspect will take 10 at least!

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I'd been doing a similar thing but with weathering power which is less precise. I initially used cotton buds dipped in IPA for streaking but they started removing the paint!

Next time I'd prefer to use paint along the rivet lines to get a similar look to your's but suspect it'd probably be easier with an airbrush. Which I don't have alas.

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I don't have an airbrush either. I think they'll be good for alot of things but I do still prefer hand painting. 


What type of varnish do you normally use?


I have a bit of a minor mishap with the lining which I managed to sort of repair with the use of humbrol primer, a cocktail stick and humbrol satin varnish. I find the enamel varnish very hardy to weathering once dry (definitely give them day or two). I also use Johnsons cotton buds as I think lesser branded type tend to be very abrasive and can do alot of damage to paint finishes.

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Looks good, that.


I always test my stock on a layout with handbuilt track - generally, if it will run on there, it'll run on anything.  Exhibition layouts need a lot more tolerance from stock than ones which are built and never moved.  It's worth taking time to fettle and make it work (within reason - no point in fighting a ploughed field) as you'll end up with something which will run first time anywhere you choose to take it.

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Cheers for the advice. i'm just sorting my sulphate rake out. Again i'm using new parkside bogies but I have found Cambrian ones which look the part and are built square so i might invest in them if this still doesn't work. 


I really want to try and keep these running on the layout as A) Unusual B) Local and C) generally look really good. 


I don't think this is a ploughed field, i have a feeling they could be made to run right, but it's finding the solution. 

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