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Emsford Mill - upward & onward!

REC Farnborough


Over a year since the last entry... Time to make some progress. The rear wall still requires 12 windows - but to be honest I needed something a little less taxing today, so I decided to tile the roof instead!




This will be done using laser-printed tile strips representing a standard clay tile. I usually produce roof & wall finishes on adhesive paper - but tiles need their thickness represented so they were printed on 200 micron (160 gsm) card - about postcard thickness. This was then reduced to individual strips...


In my experience, sticking them to the plasticard under-roof could be a challenge - PVA does not provide a good bond, and solvent-based adhesives ('Mekpak', 'Evostik') could a) affect the printing and b) require a very well ventilated room!


The answer is simple -




'felt' the roof with more of the afore-said adhesive paper, then attach the tile strips with thin PVA... Each strip carries a guideline' to assist in the overlap. The lowest tiles are of course a double-thickness layer, offset a half-tile.


So after nine hours work,- blogentry-15366-0-87587100-1412198740_thumb.jpg


The front roof is about half done! Guess whats on the agenda for tomorrow (and Friday)!





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