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Yet another 47

The Fatadder


Or rather 2 of them.....

Having come home from Warley with a Vi Trains 47/4 in Large Logo, I've now gone and added a 47/7 in Res to the fleet. (Ontracks have them on offer at ??47!)


Despite the model having not arrived yet, thats not stopped a bit of a research session to work out what I will end up doing with it.

I am going to keep it as 47768 'Resonant' So heres a couple of links to prototype photos.

A photo

Another Photo

47768 working a FGW daytime loco hualed service


The planned work involves some chassis detailing, Rewheeling/DCC, replace the Res flashes with the right colour, Shawplan roof grills, new multiple working jumpers, lower it on its bogies, Etched nameplates, and respraying the cab doors / cab windows black.

On the latter I am a little unsure what to use, while its supposed to be black on a lot of photos it looks like its weathered to a very dark grey. Can anyone confirm if the Vi Trains paint is a satin finish?


Another area I am a little unsure on is the depot plaque/ BR arrows. I've found a bunch of photos showing them as gone in 1999, present in 1996 and cant tell in 1998. there is also one photo (linked above) that is labelled as 1999 but with plaques.) This is the only confirmed 1998 photo I've found so far but while there is a shiny mark on the cab side, its hard to tell if its a cast plate or the scare from a removed plate.


The other loco I plan to model requires a lot more work, this is set for a full repaint. At the moment my favourite choice is to model a Fraggonset 47/7 probably 47709 (given that I've found some photos showing it working on Virgin XC and FGW services in 99. Not found much showing it in 98 yet though, so if theres another Fraggonset machine that matches the Vi Trains 47 401 then please comment and let me know.


As a result of buying these, my GWT and RES Heljan models are going to be finding their way onto the for sale board in the near future!


Recommended Comments

One thing I would suggest is never using pure black on a model, it just doesn't look right. Even if you just add the tiniest bit of white to make it a very dark grey it'll look better.

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  • RMweb Gold
One thing I would suggest is never using pure black on a model, it just doesn't look right. Even if you just add the tiniest bit of white to make it a very dark grey it'll look better.


That will hold things up a bit, but does make sense. does stop me from using the can of spray paint I have....


Dont suppose something like Railmatch's black spray would be more suitable?

I wont be able to use the airbrush for quite a while yet, and would rather like to get on with it.

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No, Railmatch black spray will still be black. If it's only the windscreen surrounds that you're doing, why not brush paint it? IF you use reasonably thin paint, a decent quality brush, and build it up in a couple of thin coats, it'll look fine. If you eventually give the whole model a spray coat of varnish, you'll never know.

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