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WR ex GWR A30 Autotrailer



With 1454 finished (don't panic, we have 2 independent witnesses confirming it was indeed in unlined green with the early emblem), I'm now working on the Autotrailer.

I reckon I bought this when I was about 13, which is a long, long time ago. I know there's a new RTR model in the pipeline but that's not the point. I really enjoy updating all the old models in my collection. In some cases it's quite poignant to see what I managed to achieve as a teenager (or not as was frequently the case) and it does make it a bit more personal.

So, to the Autotrailer. As is well known, the old Airfix (now Hornby model) is a bit of a mishmash of diagrams A28 and A30. The seminal article is in MRJ No 9 (and that's going back a while too) which details the differences and describes the work required to make either variant.

I'm going for the A30 and have one of the Extreme Etchings packs to use to replicate the flush glazing. I've used the Dart Castings chassis kit and as others have described this in detail on here before, I won't bore you with another step by step blog, rather just a bit of a pictorial update.

Someone told me this conversion would be a bit of a faff and I think I have to agree. Don't know if it was me but I found some of the instructions a little confusing and quite offer ended up referring to the pictures in the MRJ article. Following on Highlandman's advice, I decided to use a 10 thou brass sub floor (good call that) and solder everything to it. I replaced the trussing using 1.2mm angle from Eileens Emporium and think it was worth the extra effort. I had to trim the brass baseplate back as originally it touched the wheel rims and that would have led to a short.


I've put the original bogies back on for now. I'll replace with either a Bill Bedford sprung bogie or MJT CCU, depending on which I see first. I've some white metal bogie sides to fix to whichever I use.

All the rodding and linkages will wait until this bit's finished.

The body was treated with Modelstrip. I was amazed how well it worked on the 33 year old body. Handrails etc are from the Dart kit. Still a couple to do before it's ready for the paint shop. I think the livery will be all over carmine, though I'm tempted by carmine and cream.

Still more to do but we're getting there. I might even give it a trial run at Yate next weekend.


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A nice, neat job of it Andrew. Now, is this going to be semi-permanently coupled to 1454?



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  • RMweb Premium
A nice, neat job of it Andrew. Now, is this going to be semi-permanently coupled to 1454?




Yes, I think the two will be seeing a lot of each other!

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The Bill Bedford sprung bogies are much better than compensation (in my view anyway).  The coach moves so much more realistically and smoothly.

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That's a great job with the undercarriage, and looks far neater than my efforts. I can't wait to see the carmine paint job. It was a colour I had thought about but opted for lined maroon instead. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

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I chose to solder a small bolt to the subfloor at each end for the replacement bogies, which I got from Comets. I then hold them on with a small nut, just loose enough to allow a little sideplay. A little dab varnish holds the nut on..








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Nice article: I am about to embark on the same path for an A28 (as have many others over the years, I am sure!).  

Just a point for anyone doing the same, while MRJ issue 9 has 'THE' article on this conversion, note also that there are a number of minor errors in it, which were corrected by an further article in MRJ No. 17

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