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kyle 2015 - a sign...of the times...



Afternoon all,


A quick update on general progress of late. Lots of small bits and pieces undertaken since the last update. First up the station sign. The original layout has had two different signs during the last two years starting with the Scottish blue one before I swapped it to the British Railways black and white sign.


I have always had a soft spot for the blue signage so set about recreating it. The previous one had been undertaken trying to match the typeface and colour to pics but this time I recalled the famous Michael Palin trip and the sign featured at the end...namely because he got to take one home and fix it to his back garden wall. I remember taking some screen grab stills of the DVD in BCN in order to help with detailing and using the shot from the garden I was able to import it into Photoshop and (with the help of a colleague at work) sharpen up the white text and tweak the blue colour.


This was then printed to a 20% reduction on our colour printer and duly applied to the wall of the ramp. So a real copy of the original two piece metal station sign shrunk to suit in case anyone queries the typeface at the exhibition ;)



original pic screen grab from tv!...



packaged ready for MP to take home...



completed sign in place...


Next up was replacing the bridge handrail and roadway. The road was redone with fine wet n dry paper and the paving using one of the scalescenes downloads. The handrail took a few attempts and was formed using various sections of Evergreen plastic assembled using liquid poly.



bridge handrail redone...black out below bridge described below...


The quayside had some repairs including new metal bollards formed from small model wooden boat accessories from a model shop in BCN which specialised in boat models painted rust colour to match whilst the excellent TPM metal Herris type fencing was repaired following a disaster when the strip light fell from above during temporary positioning of it :O




Another important addition to the base of the ramp is the classic telephone box which is a rather lovely little etched kit from Shirescenes - this awaits a prime and red coat top colour.




A slightly bizarre and time consuming job was the alignment of the power connector between boards. This involved some reverse engineering somewhat as one side had been prefixed to the scenics board and now in an effort to simplify the wiring I tried to position the opposing side on the FY boards...except there was no end to this board as it had been hollowed out to get the wires in. What followed was a fairly Heath Robinsonish affair of locating the connector whilst continually checking the tracks above were aligned and then setting this within a surround so that when I plug the two boards together they align and do the power - Note to self: next layout I build will have this all resolved with C+L board connectors prior to track laying :)


Finally, a small experiment to help block the view when taking pictures. A small hinging flap made from cardboard and coloured in using a black permanent marker pen is located above the bridge on the inside face to lower and help block out light and hopefully get more realaitic pics - more done as a trial to see how I get on with it...the fourth pic down shows the benefit(?) of it in place...



small cardboard hinged mechanism...



which can be folded out of the way when not required...



still chipping away...


Now hoping to get onto rolling stock starting with the locos once the wheels return from being turned down.


That's about it - comments welcomed as always.



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Looking very nice. One thing, though. That open door on the phone box would be very unlikely unless the door closing mechanism was broken.


I remember when I was a kid that it took a fair amount of effort to open the kiosk doors, and as they were made of cast iron they were also quite hefty in their own right.

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  • RMweb Gold
Looking very nice. One thing, though. That open door on the phone box would be very unlikely unless the door closing mechanism was broken.


I remember when I was a kid that it took a fair amount of effort to open the kiosk doors, and as they were made of cast iron they were also quite hefty in their own right.


Thanks Heather - you're right...they were very heavy - the only reason it's open at present is there is a small etched shelf unit and phone inside and I was 'leaving the door open' (as they say) to be able to get some paint coverage within it...after that it will be fixed in the closed position...

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  • RMweb Gold

I can assure you that phone kiosk doors that were always partially open were not unknown. As an apprentice I remember us faffing about with one to get it to close properly. I can also remember one where there was no light so the locals left a candle in there for anyone to use. In those days (60s) they tended to be looked after in rural places. If the phone was ringing someone would usually answer and either get the required person or take a message.

Looking very good now.


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  • RMweb Gold
I can assure you that phone kiosk doors that were always partially open were not unknown. As an apprentice I remember us faffing about with one to get it to close properly. I can also remember one where there was no light so the locals left a candle in there for anyone to use. In those days (60s) they tended to be looked after in rural places. If the phone was ringing someone would usually answer and either get the required person or take a message.Looking very good now.
Thanks Don - useful to know that...I case I have superglued it too much...


Still my favorite micro layout, so atmospheric - that backscene is amazing.
Thanks a lot Alex - took these shots in natural light and it shows all the defects!
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete, I'm trying to get my ahead around the fiddlyness of scratchbuilding that bridge rail in 2mm. But I suppose you lot are used to that sort of thing! :-)


Nice to see Mr Palin on Kyle. How about inviting him for an opening ceremony, champagne bottle and all. He should be honoured to be invited!

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  • RMweb Gold
Hi Pete, I'm trying to get my ahead around the fiddlyness of scratchbuilding that bridge rail in 2mm. But I suppose you lot are used to that sort of thing! :-)


Nice to see Mr Palin on Kyle. How about inviting him for an opening ceremony, champagne bottle and all. He should be honoured to be invited!


Thanks Mikkel - Ideally I would have prefered an etch for the bridge but couldn't see that all coming together in the next few weeks - there was quite a bit of fruity language in the air during the hamdrail construction - perhaps I should resurrect the KoL swearbox I had in BCN...


Nice idea for MP...might just try and follow that one up...naturally, you'll get an invite too if he accepts...;)

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Looking good Pete. It's all these extra details that really make a layout.

Sadly I will not be able to make it to Burgess Hill this year as it will be my weekend to work.


Best regards,



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  • RMweb Gold
Looking good Pete. It's all these extra details that really make a layout.

Sadly I will not be able to make it to Burgess Hill this year as it will be my weekend to work.


Thanks Jeremy - shame you can't make it...but if things change, you know where we are...

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening Pete,


It's all looking very neat! :D


Some lovely touches and certainly on the way to making its appearance at BH! ;)


Think we need a LL Class 37 shot as well.......Be rude not too! 





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Looking good as usual Pete. I do like a proper typeface - it was something that the railways treated as an important part of their public image. I guess that's one sure fire way to make sure that it's not wrong.


Better than seeing Microsoft Arial printed signage on a big four era model for sure!


Regards, Andy

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  • RMweb Gold
Evening Pete, It's all looking very neat! :D Some lovely touches and certainly on the way to making its appearance at BH! ;) Think we need a LL Class 37 shot as well.......Be rude not too! 
Thanks Mark - Hopefully it's looking better than when its debut did 5 years ago.As soon as I get the wheels back the 37 will be making an appearance...and the 156 might get a look in too...;)


Looking good as usual Pete. I do like a proper typeface - it was something that the railways treated as an important part of their public image. I guess that's one sure fire way to make sure that it's not wrong.Better than seeing Microsoft Arial printed signage on a big four era model for sure!
Thanks also Andy - Agreed! I do have a screen grab of the B+W BR sign too so I can produce that as a back up if needs be...just in case MP thinks I have stolen his sign :D
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Mikkel - Ideally I would have prefered an etch for the bridge but couldn't see that all coming together in the next few weeks - there was quite a bit of fruity language in the air during the hamdrail construction - perhaps I should resurrect the KoL swearbox I had in BCN... Nice idea for MP...might just try and follow that one up...naturally, you'll get an invite too if he accepts... ;)


If you succeed we want photos to prove it!

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  • RMweb Gold
If you succeed we want photos to prove it!


STOP THAT....it's silly :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Came across this recently. Not so tight but the basic idea of the sketch is good, could've been developed to perfection by the Pythons I would think.


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  • RMweb Gold



nice find - yep I agree, a little polishing and could have been one of the classics...

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