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Gradually getting there



Good evening all.

I have been hesitating about a new post for a whle but after yesterday's events, I think I can add a bit. Tuesday was my wife's birthday and yesterday we had a family gathering (limited with two members being absent abroad and two working) with the grandchildren included. One boy got out all the mobile scenic material, i.e. buses, cars, trucks etc. and we got two trains running at the same time. The purists would have objected: there was a French locomotive hauling a motley rake of continental goods vehicles in what is basically a U.K. environment. To compensate we had an all Brisith DMU running. At least this proves that the track layout is acceptable and it is the other material that I have that needs adapting.

The drive on scenic work that I mentioned in a previous post is proceeding, not particularly fast, since I have other things requiring my attention (I am retired which means that I am short of time for all the things that I have to do) that have got in the way. Nevertheless there has been progress. One bare area has been filled with the wooden pavilion in a small garden, the level crossing gates have been installed where the passing locomotives will not knck them out of the way. A phone kiosk and a pillar box have been planted, bare patches are being covered with earth or grass and another fence and a hedge have been installed. Finally I have a few trees to plant, a second pillar box to locate and various platform benches to install/build.

I also have two subway entrances built and one installed, but the other one would have to go in a place where it is not easy to work. This, of course, is the result of improvising as you go along.

I have also had to add an additional support to a viaduct because I discovered that when the heaviest locomotive passed along, it sagged.

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