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Sutton Dock

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Track Building



So I finally built some track. I used the C&L plastic system with steel rail. For my first attempt I used a simple template and made no attempt to make it fit my period (i.e., sleeper spacing etc.) I built a small section of straight track on some thick card. Made a few errors but hey it worked!


Here it is. You will see that I have tried some attempts at ballasting. I want something that fits a yard and not the mainline type of ballasting often seen in yards. I read Chris Nevard's blog on using modelling clay pushed down between the rails and then painted. You can see my attempts on the right and in the close up below.




While this worked it took forever and this was only on straight track. I wouldn't contemplate trying to push the clay between point blades. I am sure Chris' modelling skills are better than mine but I wouldn't have the patience.


So I then looked at Mikel's Farthing layout and the way he ballasted the yard - i.e., use filler before laying the rail. I obviously couldn't try it before I laid the rail so I just tried a little around the edges.




However, unlike on Mikkel's layout I roughed up the filler with a paintbrush as Chris does on his yards with the modelling clay. I quite liked this so I decided to go ahead and try a section of "real" track and a point to see what happens......pictures soon I hope.

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Thanks. It was actually easier than anticipated. I made a few errors trying to rush but with patience it turned out OK. 


I am have jut about completed a point plus some more trackwork using this method - I hope to post pictures next week!

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