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Nuremberg Toyfair 2016 - mini blog



Good Morning from Germany. Just a quick note to let you know that I'll be posting regular updates from the Nuremberg Toyfair over the next three days, picking out any items that are of interest to British modellers in particular, but also any new products that could have useful applications at home. I'll also be Meeting various manufacturers and retailers so will Report back anything of interest. Among today's visits is Oxford Rail, where I'm hoping to find out more about the new announcements and hopefully see some pre-production samples. Pics to follow later.

I'll also be posting photos on the BRM Facebook page as and when I can, so look out there for any interesting developments.


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European stuff too please !

Two problems with that - most of it has already been announced prior to the fair and there's so much here that I could spend a couple of days typing it all up. Any countries/manufacturers you're looking for in particular? 

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