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Foster Street - Simple Locomotive Improvements (part 4)



Well lately modelling time has been in very very short supply, and then when I get the chance to spend a little time to do some modelling I cant be bothered :(


I don't know about you but apparently when I am in these moods, I can be a real pain, personally I cant believe this as I'm positively wonderful all the time, but when the Domestic Overlord actually demands I do some modelling perhaps the is some justification.


Anyway being a good boy, and always doing what I am told I went to the spare room under protest and did a little modelling. Of all the many projects I have been working on, the one that is proving to be a really slow job, is my attempt to convert a couple of older farish Black' 5s from the Poole era into something more usable.
As in a previous entry you had seen how I had made short work of what some might say was destroying the original bodies, but with the help of my mini drill and various bits of metal, and plastic I managed to get them sort of resembling my chosen prototypes.
This is where the work started to slow down and the detail work and trying to provide a good paint surface, seems to be taking an age. That's when I noticed another spare chassis, and in another one of may many boxes of secrets another part finished body.
So yes you guessed it despite being a die hard LMS fan I started to work on a locomotive from a lesser company :) and I even decided to paint it green.


That's when all the fun started, using an off the shelf brand of model paint, I gave the loco, what was supposed to be apple green. Then I opened the paint, it appeared to have a white layer, which after stirring for an age, developed into a blue colour, before finally turning green. I must admit I was impressed with the coverage, and the fast drying time, and I soon, had a green loco.


I must admit I left the loco for a day or two as something did not seem right to my eye's, initially I put this down to the fact that my I was use to seeing locomotives in proper liveries like Crimson and Black, but it just did not seem right. So today I made my own concoction of paint, got the old brushes out and slapped the paint on, and I think I have actually got the colour nearly right?
This is where I need your input, is the shade suitable for an LNER locomotive, if so I can think about lining and finishing before a coat of grot is applied?


The other thing is am I going mad, is turning green contagious? as I now have 3 LNER machined in the fleet, is there no hope for me.......As ever until the next time Happy Modelling :)

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You are heading towards the dark side. Before long you will be getting the copper and brass out!!!!


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Never, is bad enough already having some in my collection...............now I have an idea for a little branch line layout... :)

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Good to see a LNER prototype working its way through your workshops, you have a rate of production that would rival the Big Four

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Good to see a LNER prototype working its way through your workshops, you have a rate of production that would rival the Big Four

I wish I had a production level like that, or should that be a completion rate, as sometimes it feels like I never actually complete projects.


I have exhibition deadlines looming, and plans to start another layout, and various motive power/rolling stock projects to complete, sometimes I think I should have taken up an easier hobby

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Have to agree with trainfan4472 about your conversion production rate. (  and you're talking about another layout ).

Sounds like there's more conversions on the horizon!!

Will it be followed by blue ones after the green?





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Have to agree with trainfan4472 about your conversion production rate. (  and you're talking about another layout ).

Sounds like there's more conversions on the horizon!!

Will it be followed by blue ones after the green?







Blue? Blue I did not think the LMS had any blue engines apart from the streamlined coronations.......argh I get it now, you were hinting and making a steamliner?

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That B1 is certainly making me think about modelling in N scale, I have seen the RTR versions, but yours has something I can't quite put my finger on which makes it more appealing to me, you will have to keep the update coming on this one, especially when you start to line the loco

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