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BRDatabase status



Hi all,


I have had a few enquiries about the state of BRDatabase recently. I haven't updated the site for several years and there are known problems with it. My enthusiasm for the project has been low in recent times - this has been primarily due to my youngest daughter being seriously ill throughout 2015, and I have been unwell myself this year.


I mentioned in an earlier post that I had done lots of work behind the scenes, including better quality data - since then I have spent a lot of time at the National Archives in Kew, obtaining accurate information from their records. The data is comprehensive but also there is tons of it. Therefore, putting it into the website is a massive task for one person.


As far as I am concerned, the website is just in the doldrums and sooner or later I will get the enthusiasm back to add more data and iron out the various bugs (like Scottish Granges!). In the meantime, I am happy to field any questions that may come my way and I thank you for your continued support.




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  • RMweb Premium



For me  this is one of the most useful items on the Internet. I use it quite a lot and I'm aware that there are gaps and some occasional errors but these are far outweighed by the site's overall usefulness. I appreciate how much work is involved and that your enthusiasm may wane at times but I do value its continued availability.



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  • RMweb Premium



All comments noted.


As I have said elsewhere, if there is anything that I can be of assistance with then please ask. You have a great website as is, it's the data side that's lacking in places.

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