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Great Tunsley Dale Page 1



Great Tunsley Dale


by trains12


original page on Old RMweb



??? posted on Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:17 pm


I thought that members might like to know (and if so desire get involved) about the latest layout that I am constructing. Since our move to North Wales I have built a number of new layouts both for myself and for friends. Probably the most famous of these is Porth Eithin, a china clay, which has featured in Model Rail twice, on the Model rail DVD as well as on S4C, ITV, and a lot of the local press around here. The second layout, which is familiar to many of you, is Tryweryn or Tryweryn Sidings owned by Martin (Wales) Jones and was built for him some years ago. Porth Penrhyn is another layout that was completed two years ago but is at this time in store due to a problem on the track yet to be sorted. Work has also been completed on an O gauge layout with three of the other club members.


Anyway I thought that it was time that I built a new layout. It was decided that it would be based on and around the Quarries at Tunstead in the Peak District. This is due to both Paul, my better half in the publishing business, and myself being involved in the book the History of the ICI Hoppers. Paul was going to be in charge of all the rolling stock and myself with the construction of the layout. It was going to be a tail chaser about 20ft long by 12ft wide, in the end it has worked out at 28ft long. It has the main hopper building, as the centre attraction, with the four round hoppers to one side. At one end are the sidings for the hoppers after filling, and also on the other side of the main line the gravel hoppers. The operation of the layout is split into three sections. A). is the main lines and the rear 16 storage sidings, B). is the main hopper lines on the north side of the running lines and has two controllers, C). which is the gravel hoppers on the down side and is controlled by one controller.


Work started on the points, which are all hand made, last June together with the buildings, and track laying started on the boards in November last year. The entire track is SMP.


To date track is laid on the front eight board with track work on a further three boards under way and overall scenery is in hand.


I hope that you like it and please let know what you think and if you want to see more. When it is finished by this July we will be looking for help to operate it at the Colwyn Model Railway show so if you want to join a mad team lets us know.















Comment posted by Pete-Harvey on Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:57 pm


This looks very interesting how long ago were the pictures taken how far have you got since taking them?




Comment posted by unsoundmove on Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:20 pm


Looks very promising and look forward to seeing more. You must also be in with a chance of the 'tidiest workshop' prize ? icon_biggrin.gif


Comment posted by cnw6847 on Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:24 pm


The layout is looking very good so far. I am looking forward to seeing it progress.

What are you using for the buildings, scratchbuild or some kits?


I thought the picture was taken in a model shop icon_eek.gif



??? posted on Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:31 pm


Pete-Harvey wrote:

This looks very interesting how long ago were the pictures taken how far have you got since taking them?



Hi pete

The first photos showing some of the shaped scenery were taken three weeks ago when I erected three of the boards in the dining room because it was a little to cold at the unit. The last two shots were taken just before Christmas. All these boards have had the trackwork completed and with the others ther is now 24ft of track laid and ballasted and the wiring completed on each board but awaiting the fitting of 'D' plugs (some 400 + joints to do). These three boards have had most of the basic plastering completed in the last week, it should be al fished on them by next week. Will try and get some better shots on but the camera is playing up.

Regards Peter



??? posted on Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:42 pm


cnw6847 wrote:

The layout is looking very good so far. I am looking forward to seeing it progress.

What are you using for the buildings, scratchbuild or some kits?


I thought the picture was taken in a model shop

Hi CNW6847

Buildings are all scratchuilt. The round hoppers make use of two waste connections from the toilet (Not Used Ones) Small hopper from two tesco spice jars (wendy wasnt to happy when i left the spice in bags) The other a section off the outside drain pipe which was just the right dia. The rest is form board and plastic in emboss sheets and sections.

Yes some of the shots were taken down in the shop uint Railways Unlimited/Cheona Publications. If you come you can get roped into modelling on layouts so beware.




Comment posted by Pete-Harvey on Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:10 pm


Sounds like fun Peter.




Comment posted by michael delamar on Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:20 am


this looks like it will be great,


the fact the layout is wide will give it realism, depth.


and like the buildings the size of them drawf the trains, all ingredients to make this a great layout icon_thumbsup2.gif




Comment posted by Bangor Lad on Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:04 am


Very impressive. I must admit to liking industrial settings. I may have to re-think my plans for a return to the hobby!




Comment posted by sparky on Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:53 am


Can't wait to see more of this one Peter,some good work is coming out of Wales at the moment.I see you are using SMP track,is it finescale 00 or EM ? Looking forward to seeing more photos once your camera is sorted.




Comment posted by cnw6847 on Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:15 pm


trains12 wrote:

cnw6847 wrote:

The layout is looking very good so far. I am looking forward to seeing it progress.

What are you using for the buildings, scratchbuild or some kits?


I thought the picture was taken in a model shop

Hi CNW6847

Buildings are all scratchuilt. The round hoppers make use of two waste connections from the toilet (Not Used Ones) Small hopper from two tesco spice jars (wendy wasnt to happy when i left the spice in bags) The other a section off the outside drain pipe which was just the right dia. The rest is form board and plastic in emboss sheets and sections.

Yes some of the shots were taken down in the shop uint Railways Unlimited/Cheona Publications. If you come you can get roped into modelling on layouts so beware.



Hi Peter

Thanks for the info, the buildings look excellent.






??? posted on Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:42 am


sparky wrote:

Can't wait to see more of this one Peter,some good work is coming out of Wales at the moment.I see you are using SMP track,is it finescale 00 or EM ? Looking forward to seeing more photos once your camera is sorted.



Hi Geoff

Its OO SMP finescale. Martin Wales Jones tried to convert me to EM when I was building his layout but with a total of four other layouts I have collected something in the region of 2500 yes 2500 items of stock so can you imagine the cost of conversion? I never seem to get rid of anything.


Cheers peter



??? posted on Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:25 pm


Hi all

Here are a few more photos I have taken some time ago

One shot the method of the consrtuction of the baseboards which I have been asked about. All of them have been made from 9mm marine ply. The legs fold up within the main sturucture. Another view shows how the layout was at the open day between Christmas and New Year. These are held a number of times a year and all are wellcome.

The final shot showes the air compressor plant that i have made for the layout. This is all hand made with the exception of some of the pipe fittings. This has now been finished and painted. More shots of how the layout is now when I get my camera fixted.










Comment posted by pharrc20 on Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:19 pm


Further to Peter's posting above, here are some of my photos I took of GTD when three of the baseboards were exhibited at the Llanberis show a few weeks ago. Obviously lots more work to do on the buildings and scenic side of things, but the addition of the wagons gives it a bit more depth and impression of scale. I am in charge of the freight rolling stock and already got a good fleet of 1950s/60s era ICI hopper wagons and 5-plank ICI opens, 1980s/90s ICI hoppers, 90s/00s PGA hoppers and JGA hoppers. Could do with some Freightliner HIAs, ex Nat Power JHAs and JMAs, and some EWS HOAs just for good measure (HOA future kit from Genesis?)













Comment posted by Andy C on Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:22 pm




Whats the provenance of the ICI hoppers?


Comment posted by pharrc20 on Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:50 pm


Hi Andy,


Puts Mr ICI Hopper hat on icon_wink.gif


The hoppers in the photos are the High Peak casters resin kits produced in 1987 or thereabouts and originally sold through the model shop in Buxton near the Market Square - long since closed. They are basic to say the least but with a bit of work and time can be made into good wagons. I have 7 (1980s/90s livery) plus 4 (50s/60s) of my own plus I look after another 7 (80s/90s) plus 10 (50s/60s) owned by Hazel Grove & DMRS. Plus a further 3 unbuilt examples, one High Peak, one Appleby Model Engineering plus the prototype from John Taylor and a further 5 unbuilt High Peak wagons. Peter also has 5-6 unbuilt High Peak wagons which I need to get on building for the layout!! I have divided the High Peak kits up into three variants, the first with a very heavy cast resin body with no interior hopper, second with improved casting and deeper interior and third ditto with thinner casting of sides and ends as resin casting improved. Rarely do you see examples for sale, so much so I scratchbuilt three new wagons from plasticard onto spare resin underframes.


Peter and me have given serious consideration to developing our own kit for these wagons as a) we will need more for the layout, B) need some more for myself and c) lots of people ask me about them when they are out running on Hazel Grove & DRMS club layout 'Hazel Valley' . People seem very disapointed that you can't get a kit of what is quite an iconic wagon of the steam and diesel eras - lifespan just over 60 years in traffic in daily use. Remember in steam days it was upto 16 loaded, and then 18 loaded with Derby Type 2 Sulzers, then gradual increase with traction type to final days with pair of 37s with 24 loaded. So you couldn't really just buy one kit, you'd really need at least 10 to make a decent looking rake in any era.


Comment posted by Andy C on Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:58 pm


Hi Paul


Ive some etched brass ones (10) on the way courtesy of John Taylor (Uncommon kits) Ive yet got to assess them against the pics / drawings in someones book icon_clap.gif but pretty sure i can get a good model out of what Ive seen.


they will appear on the new MMRS layout loosely based on Peak Forest (it was to have been called Peak Dale but i understand someone has already blagged that name)


Comment posted by pharrc20 on Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:20 am


I can supply original drawings and dimensions plus a copy of ICI drawing if that helps. Ditto photos just ask.


Didnt't Nick Gurney of Dyserth Road plan a Peak Dale layout??


Comment posted by sparky on Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:19 am


Brilliant,i'm not into the modern scene as i'm still stuck in a 1950-1960 time warp !!However this is a marvellous bit of work,more please icon_thumbsup2.gif





Comment posted by Andy C on Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:33 am


pharrc20 wrote:

I can supply original drawings and dimensions plus a copy of ICI drawing if that helps. Ditto photos just ask.


Didnt't Nick Gurney of Dyserth Road plan a Peak Dale layout??

Thanks Paul


I think John has some - probably obtained off yourself!! Im looking forward to getting stuck into them but John - whos one of my good mates - has his own timescale on Planet Sowerby icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif icon_lol.gif


Comment posted by British Railways on Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:57 am


Peter just a quick question providing it is a kit and not scratchbuilt what kit is the loading plant made from?, you may have already mentioned it but I can't find it.





??? posted on Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:42 pm


British Railways wrote:

Peter just a quick question providing it is a kit and not scratchbuilt what kit is the loading plant made from?, you may have already mentioned it but I can't find it.



Hi Elliott


All the buildings seen in the shots are scratchbuilt. The main building is made of formboard covered in embossed plasticard with the use of Plastruct sections, griders etc, and micro strip. Have also made use on the round hoppers items such as sprice containers ( I most buy some new ones for Wendy some to replace the bags now used. icon_biggrin.gif ) Waste pipe connections from the toliet, not used thank goodness and a section of one of the outside drain pipes which was just the right size. Windowa are either hand made using the old Slaters window system or cut down and modified Dornerplus. Am at the present working on the main hopper building to try and make it into a working loading unit, with real sound. the only kit buit items will be the signal boxes, Ratio but modified, and some of the small huts etc which will be Wills or Ratio. To date some 200 plus hours have been spent on the buildings some of which have not yet been photograped yet.

hope this answers your question. Keep watching


Peter. icon_thumbsup2.gif



??? posted on Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:53 pm


sparky wrote:

Brilliant,i'm not into the modern scene as i'm still stuck in a 1950-1960 time warp !!However this is a marvellous bit of work,more please




Hi Geoff

Thanks for your comments very much appreciated. The layout is not just modern scene, I have tried to incorporate form the late 50's to present day but as all ways a little modellers licence has to come in. Pauls main interests lie more in the modern and blue era. Mine is the steam and green era, so we have the best of both worlds. Can you PM me with details of your layout as I am exhibition manager of the Colwyn model railway show at Llandudno and am intrested in your layout.




Comment posted by Digital on Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:58 pm


pharrc20 wrote:

I can supply original drawings and dimensions plus a copy of ICI drawing if that helps. Ditto photos just ask.


Didnt't Nick Gurney of Dyserth Road plan a Peak Dale layout??

Great layout guys, hope it comes to Colwyn Bay and I can get to see it


Yes Nick did plan on doing Peak Forest at one time but now has built the superb "Holland Park" container layout.


Best wishes



Comment posted by British Railways on Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:21 pm


trains12 wrote:

British Railways wrote:

Peter just a quick question providing it is a kit and not scratchbuilt what kit is the loading plant made from?, you may have already mentioned it but I can't find it.



Hi Elliott


All the buildings seen in the shots are scratchbuilt. The main building is made of formboard covered in embossed plasticard with the use of Plastruct sections, griders etc, and micro strip. Have also made use on the round hoppers items such as sprice containers ( I most buy some new ones for Wendy some to replace the bags now used.
) Waste pipe connections from the toliet, not used thank goodness and a section of one of the outside drain pipes which was just the right size. Windowa are either hand made using the old Slaters window system or cut down and modified Dornerplus. Am at the present working on the main hopper building to try and make it into a working loading unit, with real sound. the only kit buit items will be the signal boxes, Ratio but modified, and some of the small huts etc which will be Wills or Ratio. To date some 200 plus hours have been spent on the buildings some of which have not yet been photograped yet.

hope this answers your question. Keep watching



Thank You icon_winker.gif


Elliott icon_biggrin.gif



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