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My latest and last Jubilee? - and a Self-weighing Class 5



Well over the last few days, when ever I could I have managed to spend a little time on the projects clogging up my work bench of DOOM!!


The main focus of my attention was supposed to be on the Stanier Mogul and the Class 5 I was attempting to portray with a self weighing tender, but as usual I found other distractions.


A while ago I managed to bag from Evil bay a brand new Jubilee for a mere £50, the problem was the nasty manufacturer had decided to shame the poor girl by not only giving her a terrible mouldy green coat, but also a coating of grot. So being the nice chap I am, I decided the least I could do was restore at least some of her dignity.


For those of you of a delicate disposition, I suggest you do not look at the picture below too long it is a terrible terrible sight.
So naturally, she was bumped to the top of the list in the paint shop, and after a bit of effort, and a battle with shaking hands, she has reached the following state.
As you can see there are a few area I need to redo as my shaky hands have meant that some areas need a little re-work, but the majority of the lining is complete. I hate to say it, even though I have a thing for Crimson Jubilee's this livery really suits them (and of course the Duchess and Scots painted this way).


I just need to finish off a few outstanding jobs, like the buffer beams, lining the cylinders, glazing the cab, adding a crew and maybe the most important job..WHAT NAME AND NUMBER TO GIVE HER???


The other locomotive that has progressed quite a lot is the Class 5 with a Self weighing tender, she now has her tender ready for coaling up, again all she needs is the buffer beams painting, fitting with a crew and then a little or knowing me a lot of weathering, of and her safety valves adding.
So knowing me, it means it will probably be sitting on the workbench for a while yet, still its a step closer to completion , so in theory its still progress.


There have been a couple of little problems, though my Stanier mogul, has nearly got one side lined, on the loco and tender, though shaky hands strike again, the lining does not look that bad from usual viewing distances but camera pictures tell another story.


The answer might be that from now on I concentrate on loco's that do not need any hand lining, I've always liked plain black, anyway until next time as ever Happy Modelling :)

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I have ben allowed back on here for a bit by SWMBO and I have to say I am really impressed, I remember seeing a self weighing tender on a B1 in my spotting days and always thought it would make an interesting model.


The LMS one is very impressive, I bet there are not many of them out there, and it would definitely generate interest at exhibitions, can you let me know where your next exhibition is?

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