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Stour valley dream - playing with platforms

Fen End Pit


This afternoon I spent a few hours on the CAD and laser cutter. I started off making the last diagonal bracing and sticking that in. I cheated a bit this time around and purchased a length of 45 degree timber molding. This meant I could put in the diagonals without the pain of having to sand the ends of the brace to 45 degrees. The resulting baseboard has virtually no 'wiggle' despite only having 50mm deep framing.




I also spent a few minutes removing the cork underlay where the platform is going to be around the end of the loading dock. I wanted to try and get the construction of the platform 'right' based on the prototype. However I came up with a serious problem, I had taken multiple photographs of the platform at Clare last week and almost every bit of the platform appears to be constructed (or more likely reconstructed) differently. Particularly there is an issue with the slight overhang on the platform where the course which this step occurred was different depending on which bit of platform I looked at! Clearly some of the platform has been rebuilt since closure to ensure the platform remained safe for the public using the country park.


I decided to try and make the cut below the 3rd course of brickwork. I've just used a strip of thin card behind to put the brickwork slightly forward by about .75mm.




I also wanted to try and see if I could cut the very fine grooves in the brick edge of the platform in anything like a realistic size. Amazingly the laser cutter actually seemed to be able to achieve this. It will be interesting to see how this looks once painted.




I've just tried sitting the completed platform top on the side just to see how it looks.




What do you think?



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David, very nice, indeed. Laser cutting/engraving certainly opens up possibilities to model actual structures rather than using standard brick representations. I especially like the diamond pattern edging bricks - very evocative of railway platforms.


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