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D3721. Step 15.

Mick Bonwick


The areas around the axle boxes are to be portrayed as oily and affected by accumulated gunge. The beginnings of this process incorporate a layer of Railmatch Weathered Black. This is applied thinly and from fairly close up, to control the area covered. Overspray onto the running plate is deliberately not avoided. In this photograph you should be able to see the result of applying the small amount of engine oil to the base of the bodyside filters.



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  • RMweb Gold

Will this locomotive be running on a layout of yours, when it's finished, Mick?


The layout will be a representation of Easton, on the Isle of Portland. The Class 09 will be used for rakes of stone-carrying wagons moving from quarries to the station area. Not prototypical, but I like the station layout and a model can be made to fit in the space I have available.

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