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Slow progress.



So progress has been slow on the Pinellas Park layout, principally because until the new baseboards are put in place, scenery is a no go.  However, there are now two running locomotives on the layout and a chassis being used to test a new motor, that can trundle back and forth with freight cars, all 5 of them!  So, as you can probably tell, until the recent purchases arrive, there isn't much to do, but it has given me some time to focus on cleaning up some old loco projects, some of which have been renewed and others will be moved on.


Of course, all of this is further hampered by the recent start int he search for a new (rented) place to live.  One ideal property is apparently soon to be available and we will be given the inside track, from what I am told, on the new lease.  Not only is this just down the street from the grand kids, but it is also nearly identical from what I can tell and will significantly improve the space I have available.  So what you may ask, does this mean for Pinellas Park?  Well not a lot at this stage, as there can be no physical changes until we do get the go ahead, but my head has been testing ideas, from a simple extension of the current idea, to a three decked, multi-level layout running around the walls of a much larger room. Of course as a renter that may be quashed before it goes anywhere if the landlord/lady is not obliging.  However, I will cross that bridge when I come to it.


For now, collecting and building rolling stock continues...


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