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Catching Up On Stuff



It's been a few days of doing bits and bobs, the great leap forward being somewhat constrained by waiting for an order to arrive, in which the tunnel mouth for the supposed exit stage north should be. The bulk has arrived, except the tunnel mouth which is coming direct from the manufacturer. A lot of it is stuff that's for a bit further down the line, so just for fun I thought I'd list it... I was actually only looking for a single track tunnel mouth, in stone, with some stone walling but got a little carried away on the INVERTRAIN site. They do a ridiculous number of those little scenic things that make all the difference.


I'm hoping the tunnel mouth is as good as this. The stone walling, in plaster, is really nice. I ordered a pack of five (about 8"x5"), which comes with kind-of buttresses for the joins. This looks so much more natural than the plastic ones somehow. I'm actually a little relived as the picture on the site is not that good so it was a bit of a punt based on someone saying they'd used it on their layout. Easy to cut but going to absorb a lot of paint.


A 50s/60s BR timetable board. This is actually for the (non existent so far) goods shed as a bit of a notice board type thing. It's going to be made to look old and neglected.


This is intended to be a ballast bin, but I'm using it for the signalman's coal, on the basis that mine looked a bit like this.


Gas cylinders, there's more in the bag at the top. A couple of them will be for the point heaters on the throat points, with a little mesh cage round them. The others will go anywhere someone might be using gas.


A small control cabinet to go with the point heater gas cylinders.


An internal phone cabinet. I got this for the ground frame (later...), but I think another couple, one for the headshunt and one the goods shed, are on the cards.


Slightly OTT for a single platform station, but at least I won't be tempted to try and make my own.


A barrel on a stand. This is for the lampman's hut that will be at the bottom of the signal box steps.


Taps for the barrel above. That's just so cool.


And finally some fencing. This is for the country bit at the north end, and down the back of the platform. I was pleased to find a prototype for this, as any more substantial fencing would obscure the view of the siding behind. When the tunnel mouth arrives it should be possible to 'complete' the north 6ft or so of the layout.


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