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Mind the gaps...

Paul Robertson


There were lots of large gaps in the ferry woodwork which needed filling. The chimney stacks consist of 3 pieces of 5mm ply stuck together which had been cut out with a jigsaw so not desperately accurate. Whilst balsa helped to cover over the crude edges there were a lot of visible gaps between balsa and ply. With not much time for modelling today (I had a big odd job 'to do' list) I decided that might be a good small job to fit in around chores. I had bought some balsa filler which seemed to offer what I was wanting and set about stuffing it in the cracks and crevices I could find. Initially trying to tool it in but eventually gave up and just use my fingers! 



(the resulting filled gaps roughly sanded. I need to get some finer sandpaper as what I had left a bit of a rough finish) 


 I've also allowed the upper vehicle deck to slide in and out in order gain entry to the train deck below if there are any derailments. 


Having filled and sanded as much as I could I wanted to cover the last of the exposed screw heads on the ferry. I had used screws in order to provide a bit of rigidity to main joints but they need hiding from view. Luckily ferries have all sort of detritus stuck around them you can hide a multitude of modelling sins behind. I cut out some large grilles from balsa and stuck them over with a thicker bit of balsa underneath to bulk it out



(grille and levelling piece stuck over the offending screw head) 


Once this was complete it was back to the layout to see how it looked



(a neater and less gappy nord pas de Calais in dock again.)


Currently pondering winding gear and how to show this without fouling the bridges which I still want to remove. That will be for another day


Thanks for reading





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