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Paul Robertson


So today the self adhesive road markings arrived from scale model scenery. Having read the instructions which seemed straightforward enough I gave it a go. Tried out one of the cycle lane logos first as a test which with a bit of help from a craft knife and a strip of masking tape. This all went well so tried a 'stop' white lining for the Linkspan. A few minor issues with trying to get the various letters to unstick themselves but in the end all was well. Having managed both stop white lining decals I tried the arrows aimed at encouraging those coming off the ferry to use both lanes on the bridge. Again all went well. 



(lettering and arrows on and weathered down a bit) 


I then turned my attention to the back scene board setting up my jigsaw to cut some fibreboard sheets. 


These all went on well enough and are providing a frame for the layout now



(back scene boards on. Now just need to get artistic on the back.)


A small detail to go with the stop line were a couple of barriers I made up with thin brass rodding and balsa. 



(two barriers with their first coat of paint) 


I had some stop signs on my sign sheet so cut a couple out and stuck them on the painted barrier. 



(barriers in place guarding the Linkspan. You should certainly know where to stop! 


I've also put an additional bit of kerbing with a semi-circular section to act as protection to the kiosk. 


(additional kerbing with initial paint on) 


I must have really slapped the PVA on thick yesterday as it still hadn't dried 24 hrs later. 



(PVA still drying) 


Hopefully it will be ready in a couple of days and I can get the waves on at the weekend


Thanks for reading


Edited by Paul Robertson

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