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Halloween fun for the layout



Halloween, anyone?  My lad saw these Noch figures and I ended up buying them... excellent fun for today!...

Down on the up platform, the local monks gather to commence their Halloween protection activities, and then a vampire hunter joined them... 



Then Dracula turned up on the down platform...




It all got a bit feisty...




Then the vampires decided to head into town on the lash, ignoring the COVID-19 restrictions and the glaring sunlight! 





Edited by MoonMonkey
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Well, it's a year later and Halloween has come to the layout again!  Figures are from Finescale Figures (which seem to have started with the same figures as a previous business called PMMStudio).  Some Halloweeny figures, and some ghost busters. Poor old Venkman (Bill Murray) got the rough end of the ghosty stick as the face and hairline painting didn't quite go to plan, but hey ho!  My little lad did the zombie rising from the earth and the scarecrow.  The figures are nice to paint and an entertaining and fun range (no connection, just a happy customer!).  








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And for something on a similar track... the ghost train!!!  I did do a video but you can't embed clips into posts and it's not that good to bother Youtube!  So photos it is.  Focussing was tricky as it was quite dark to capture the luminous ghostly glow! 





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I've got a slightly better camera (in other words, a slightly better phone!) .  Better ghost train pics attached.  If anyone wants to provide some light entertainment for kids (or whoever) next Halloween... these were inherited Hornby Railroad models, dismantled and bodies sprayed with primer and a coat of white spray (Humbrol spray acrylics), and then a liberal thick coat of Revell 'night color' (sic) 39802 was applied (without watering down).  I'd masked the insides and interestingly it left a weird 'ectoplasm'-like irregular finish to the window corners once the masking tape was peeled away.  I left the black plastic parts as black so it wasn't too over-the-top.   It needs charging, I use the torch on my phone, and then it glows a spooky green.  The glow does wear off relatively quickly, but it's fun while it lasts.  I also had a spare figure I painted with the 'night color' and put against a window in a coach corridor, which looks spooky too... a ghostly figure staring out from the window of the ghost train.  I also popped a little of the night color on the loco wheels, very carefully.  All good fun!  The photos show the effect just after charging with the torch light. 



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And finally, some gargoyles painted by my lad and one done a bit more with weathering powder afterwards by me, plus the Ghostbusters!



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