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Paul Robertson


So having completed most of the infill and das clay around the dockside track I thought I better try out various items of stock to ensure different wheel flanges and wheel bases work before I start painting it all up. 


The first to test were two of my cargowaggons with the class 66. IMG_20201116_184933.jpg.6e5fee56206e60fd7e1db1534b840d1b.jpg

(class 66 going into the underpass on the headshunt for the train deck Linkspan) 


I tried out various sidings and locations with this set up making sure they all worked nicely. The 66 was sticking on some of the point work. I think some of the das clay was stuck on the point flange reducing the electrical contact. With a bit of cleaning this problem seemed to resolve itself. 



(shunting some wagons back into the customs warehouse siding) 



(lined up on the Dockside.)


Having played around with my 66 I then tried out my 2nd hand Graham farish class 08. It initially pushed around my cargowaggons again sticking on a few points. 



(08 on the Linkspan with the cargowaggons) 


Having tried my traction I then tried some different wagons. Out came a Graham farish polybulk and my revolution trains cargowaggons twins. 



(cargo twins on the linkspan) 



(coming across the roads under the viaduct) 



(polybulk attached to back) 



(polybulk on the Linkspan) 


Having tried out various items of stock I will finish off the infill and then start painting


Thanks for reading



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