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Stour Valley Dream - Castle mound

Fen End Pit


Clare station was built in the bailey of Clare Castle (you could do that kind of thing in 1865!) and the castle motte is still present behind the goods shed. I don't have the space to model the whole mound but need to try to make something that gives the right feeling. There needs to be a bit of forced perspective going on too which complicates things. This section of the aerial photograph gives some idea of the scale of the real thing. To those who have visited over the last few years it will be clear that there are a lot more bushes and trees on the mound now than in 1947.




I've made an attempt at getting a suitable shape in polystyrene and sculptamold and, as always, I'd appreciate the views of the RMWeb eyes.



The main line in the foreground is curving around to Stoke at a steeper angle than the prototype because I have to make the layout fit in the room. These means that the area between the main line and the yard is bigger than on the prototype. It was mostly grass and waste ground. The scar on the motte is where the winding path up the side runs.




From the opposite view the hill climbs up, with a flat area of goods yard and grass at its foot. The very top of the hill will have a number of bushes on it and possibly even a small section of wall.




Moving back towards the station platforms you get a better view of the overall effect.




The most obvious compression has been in the space between the goods shed and the mound, I've to bring the two closer together in order to get some degree of height to the hill. I'm hoping I can get away with it because of the viewing angle.




Let me know what you think.



Edited by Fen End Pit
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Even allowing for the angle and the challenges of space it needs to be bigger: mottes are meant to dominate and that doesn’t clear the roof line of the goods shed by nearly enough.

The forced perspective would be more effective if the representation showed the whole thing. to get the height in the space you’ll have to increase the angle of the slope of the motte, but the present arrangement looks more cutting than Castle.  Modern - damaging - tree growth would make disguise a bit easier and perhaps that’s a way forward? To allow that to have happened earlier?



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  • RMweb Gold

In the first photo I think it looks good. I can believe the forced perspective and therefore believe that the motte is bigger than it really is but more distant. I also like the winding path - it left me in no doubt about what I was meant to be seeing. Perhaps you can enhance the illusion further by de-saturating the colours progressively up the motte when you come to do the scenic work.


The other viewing angles reveal the reality but this is as expected since they are not the angles from which the forced perspective is expected to work. I am not sure what you can do about that. Even if you model less of the motte and push more of it to back-scene, you will still not get the correct impression from these other angles since back-scenes only work properly when viewed face on. The best forced perspective models I have seen control the viewing angle very precisely to a specific point through a proscenium arch. That is not really an option with this layout. Nearly all of us are forced in to difficult compromises due to space :)


On a more general point, I think your buildings and track look really good.



Edited by goldngreen
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the comments, as you say trying to use forced perspective when you can't force the site lines is next to impossible. I think I'm going to have a go at making it a bit taller and also trying to make the slope more defined as it drops down quite sharply toward the station building end.

I found a couple more pictures which show the relationship between the goods shed and motte in a better angle. Also it shows that there is a bit of wall which could run against the backscene.




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