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Addleford creamery - Part 4



The Christmas period has been useful for getting more done on the layout - particularly when you're in Tier 4 and really can't do much of anything else. I've made a start on various different elements but, as I so often tend to do, I've held back on mentioning any of them until significant progress has been made. Also, because I'm pretty rubbish at keeping up with any kind of running commitment such as a blog!


I finally got to the stage where I can consider the Addleford Creamery building to be finished. I may add a few details here and there, plus there's the matter of installing the building and creating its immediate environs, but those parts will have to wait for now.


So instead of dedicating a huge amount of descriptive text to this entry, I shall instead leave you with some images taken of the completed project. Hopefully I'll be able to share some more updates on the general progress of other areas soon. 




All for now,


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