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Ground signals



Built my ground signals yesterday and got them painted up and fitted last night. For the position of them and the type I am very much indebted to Beast 66606 for his advice. These have been made using the Ratio kit. I still need to fit operating cables, but this will done when the main signals have been built and placed. The same goes for point rods.

Here we have the calling on signal at the exit to the yard.



Next we have the triple signal which controls the movement to the bay, down main and the movement to the next ground signal.



And the double that control movement to up main and to the yard.



OK the pictures don't show them very large, but it was a compromise between showing the signal itself and it's position.

1 Comment

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Very important signals (although the LMS didn't think so) and a pain in the neck for the modeller. Are these static Jz ?


Great stuff, and what era is your layout ?


The ground signals are static. My eyesight and patience aren't up to making them work. The main signals will be working. I think I will be finishing off the scenic work in the station area before installing to save any accidents.


As for period, around 1960-66, but subject to a little time warping on occasion.

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