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24...that's days not hours...



Update - Evening peeps - Jack Bauer I am not...24....that's just the number of days left until I exhibit Kyle. The good news is that there has been some progress and I would have posted earlier but I had problems to sign in until yesterday.


The layout is now wired and tested and bar a few grumbles through the tweaked points, the class 37 seems to cover every bit of available track. Next week I will spray the track and begin ballasting.


Following a rethink, I have remade some of the boards from card not foamboard and now have the back scenes boards which are cut to allow access to the switches. As this is really low tech, I have used DC, dpdt switches for both turnout throw and polarity and a handful of isolating sections. I won't bother showing an underside view of my electrics as its horrendous!


For uncoupling I shall be using DG's [my first time] and I have made a simple system from small magnets mounted on card removable inserts that can be slid in/out as and when required for uncoupling.


The fiddle yard boards have been changed to fit in the rolling stock box file so one boxfile contains the scenified layout, whilst the other the fiddle and rolling stock. Dimensions have been critical and much time spent planning to allow their insertion within the available space. The two holes are to allow removable of the fiddle bases which will have foam inside to protect the rolling stock.


I have some 2FS BR buffers to assemble and their height has been factored in within regard the available depth of the layout in the boxfile. The two backscene boards will have representations of the walled ramp and station building which will cover the holes in the platform so finger access is hidden from view. When these two backscenes boards are packed flush in the box, their depth should be within the allowed depth available between track and platform height...hope that makes sense.


Anyway.....enough of my ramblings......a few pics of which I hope will explain better the above...



view inside fiddle yard...


view from behind station showing access to switches and uncoupling magnets...


view from front showing platform...holes will be covered by wall and station building...


view into fiddle - the road bridge will act as scenic break...


overall view from station to fiddle...


...and from fiddle to station...


low tech uncoupling magnets...


Rolling stock/fiddle box with packed backscenes...


backscenes removed...holes are to allow finger removal of the bases...


fiddle bases removed...the height aligns with the scenic boards and protects rolling stock...

the rolling stock in the joinable cassettes...


the layout box with packed backscenes...


backscenes have slots cut to allow fixing / access / removals...


the layout boards in the box...height should just allow buffers to fit


now heading back to CTU...copythat...Pete


Recommended Comments

Very neat work and impressive progress. You mentioned changing some parts from foamboard to card. Which pieces, and what was the thinking behind the change?



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  • RMweb Gold

Nick - thanks for this. I recently dropped the 'neat' bit from my alias as I felt it a little presumptuous amongst all the fellow modellers on the forum.


If you hit the 10 slide recap on my link, it portrays the first concept model in brown corrugated card, followed by a second in Artists 1mm white card. For some reason I then decided to make the model in foamboard but as much as I like using this material I had a few problems with it twisting and denting and also with lots of bracing there would be little room for items beneath (wiring, magnets for DG's, rolling stock storage etc) so I decided to revert back to card purchased from an Artists shop.


I do feel more comfortable with it having now made the main elements however I am a little worried how it will react when I spray the track and apply the ballast. I have decided I will air caution and place ballast on PVA rather than the usual good soaking from a spray method.


Hope that anwers your questions - thanks for your interest.

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  • RMweb Gold

Nick - the plan is to fit DGs on one end of the locos and detail the other end with pipes etc. For the rolling stock I might just fit the outer ends of the coaches and close couple using something else and for the wagons ideally both ends. It really depends on time available I guess...which is not long considering I am writing this about to board a plane for the UK!

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  • RMweb Gold

Comming along great. I do like the uncoupling magnets.

If you want to make card water resistant and more rigid try painting with Knotting use to seal the knots is timber. Do experiment first not all Knotting might be the same.


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  • RMweb Gold

Donw - thanks - bit difficult finding stuff like that in Spain...and even more fun trying to explain it in DIY shops with my Spanish! Perhaps the dry ballast method will be okay...

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  • RMweb Gold

Donw - thanks - bit difficult finding stuff like that in Spain...and even more fun trying to explain it in DIY shops with my Spanish! Perhaps the dry ballast method will be okay...

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