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Barrow Road - More Inspection Pits



After the interlude with my diesel conversions I have returned to work on the baseboards to fabricate some more inspection pits.

The first selected are the four inspection/preparation pits alongside the shed, one for each siding. Two of these pits were rebuilt in around 1956 [the two nearest the shed], while the other two were new. Unlike the pits inside the shed, photos show these pits were made using concrete not brick.



This view was taken in Oct 1965 & shows locos over the two new built pits.



Shows one pit in position.



'Concrete apron' from 80thou plasticard. Main pit from 'reversed' laser cut base & sides as used inside the shed.


I have also started the pit alongside the sand dryer although this still needs the top plasticard surface added to represent the concrete apron surrounding each pit.




Here is a photo of this pit with 1420 on shed in Oct 1965 prior to travelling to Buckfastleigh.




All these pits need the addition of concrete steps to complete the job.

These will be fabricated form Evergreen strip which I will collect from the proprietor of Eileen's Emporium at the next Glevum group meeting.


Recommended Comments

Hi Robin, can I begin by saying what a fantastic model Barrow Road looks to be. Totally inspiring. I've finally plucked up the courage to write in having watched the progress over the past few months both through the blog and Model Railway Journal. Engine sheds have always "been in the blood". Sunday mornings in the early 60's used to see my Father, Brother and me at Nine Elms, Dad seemed to know someone at the Shed and we used to have free reign. Holidays used to consist of us standing at the end of Bournemouth Station opposite the Shed, and my Grandparents lived near Westhouses between Alfreton and Chesterfield and again we spent hours around the shed, a past-time that continued right through to the early 80's.I also fondly remember catching the bus to both Annesley and Kirkby on a number of occasions. Although I've always known that one day I would construct a model of an ex- Midland shed I seem to have been distracted by other projects and indeed have built structures for the Derby Museum layout, and won a couple of cups along the way for my buildings. A couple of years ago I sold off all the 7mm stuff and got hooked by Gauge 1, and have subsequently bought Jubilees, Black 5's and 8f's. I haven't the room to do much of a layout so the Engine shed project sprung to life.

I currently live near Buxton and regularly nip over to Barrow Hill for inspiration. I've started the smaller buildings, eg Water Tank, Sand House with the intention of building a Shed scene based on Westhouses but , based on your wonderful model I cannot deny the temptation to start again and build a Roundhouse. My thoughts are based around producing a full end (6 feet long in Gauge 1) and two thirds of the side, thus allowing to fit in the Turntable, and using Mirrors a la John Dormon. The back of the Diorama would possibly contain a Fitting Shop as at Barrow Road and Belle Vue to name a couple. Do you reckon that York Modelmakers would produce a similar kit of parts at 10mm to the foot? At the very least I would hope that they would produce the windows.

I hope you haven't minded the ramblings above. Thank you for keeping us up to date with progress on Barrow Road. I'm really looking forward to seeing it in the flesh. When will it be on show? Again well done.

Best wishes, John Tuckett

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Hi Robin, can I begin by saying what a fantastic model Barrow Road looks to be. Totally inspiring. I've finally plucked up the courage to write in having watched the progress over the past few months both through the blog and Model Railway Journal. Engine sheds have always "been in the blood". Sunday mornings in the early 60's used to see my Father, Brother and me at Nine Elms, Dad seemed to know someone at the Shed and we used to have free reign. Holidays used to consist of us standing at the end of Bournemouth Station opposite the Shed, and my Grandparents lived near Westhouses between Alfreton and Chesterfield and again we spent hours around the shed, a past-time that continued right through to the early 80's.I also fondly remember catching the bus to both Annesley and Kirkby on a number of occasions. Although I've always known that one day I would construct a model of an ex- Midland shed I seem to have been distracted by other projects and indeed have built structures for the Derby Museum layout, and won a couple of cups along the way for my buildings. A couple of years ago I sold off all the 7mm stuff and got hooked by Gauge 1, and have subsequently bought Jubilees, Black 5's and 8f's. I haven't the room to do much of a layout so the Engine shed project sprung to life.

I currently live near Buxton and regularly nip over to Barrow Hill for inspiration. I've started the smaller buildings, eg Water Tank, Sand House with the intention of building a Shed scene based on Westhouses but , based on your wonderful model I cannot deny the temptation to start again and build a Roundhouse. My thoughts are based around producing a full end (6 feet long in Gauge 1) and two thirds of the side, thus allowing to fit in the Turntable, and using Mirrors a la John Dormon. The back of the Diorama would possibly contain a Fitting Shop as at Barrow Road and Belle Vue to name a couple. Do you reckon that York Modelmakers would produce a similar kit of parts at 10mm to the foot? At the very least I would hope that they would produce the windows.

I hope you haven't minded the ramblings above. Thank you for keeping us up to date with progress on Barrow Road. I'm really looking forward to seeing it in the flesh. When will it be on show? Again well done.

Best wishes, John Tuckett


Hi John,


Thanks for your kind comments. My lack of any recent blog entry is due to preparing a demonstration for next weekends Scaleforum at Leatherhead where the board containing the roundhouse and workshop will be on display along with some of my research material. Two of my friends will also be demonstrating Templot - the trackplan - and some CAD drawings of components for the 60ft Cowans Sheldon turntable along with the shed roof girders.


Chris Dening of York Modelmakers is also attending the show so you could 'kill birds' should you be able to make the show. If not I am sure Chris would be interesting in quoting for 10mm scale roundhouse. The only contraint for this scale would be the size of the bed of the laser which they use, namely 900mm x 600mm. This means that your building will need careful design . Please fell free to contact me for any further information .


Best wishes,



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Hi John,


Thanks for your kind comments. My lack of any recent blog entry is due to preparing a demonstration for next weekends Scaleforum at Leatherhead where the board containing the roundhouse and workshop will be on display along with some of my research material. Two of my friends will also be demonstrating Templot - the trackplan - and some CAD drawings of components for the 60ft Cowans Sheldon turntable along with the shed roof girders.


Chris Dening of York Modelmakers is also attending the show so you could 'kill birds' should you be able to make the show. If not I am sure Chris would be interesting in quoting for 10mm scale roundhouse. The only contraint for this scale would be the size of the bed of the laser which they use, namely 900mm x 600mm. This means that your building will need careful design . Please fell free to contact me for any further information .


Best wishes,



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Hi Robin, Thanks for the reply. Although originally going to Scaleforum unfortunately now not able to attend due to work commitments. I've sent a message to Chris Dening. If you did get the opportunity I wonder if you could mention whether it would be possible to produce a similar kit for Roundhouse and Fitting Shop in 10mm. Don't worry if you don't get the opportunity, i'll send more details to him over the next week or so.

Have a great weekend, John

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