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Dusting off the cobwebs





Forget glacial progress, this is more like continental drift. After a good start, work on The depot has been all but stalled since spring. But with working hours beginning to look more reasonable again, I took the plunge and dug out the layout in the basement today. See if you can spot the layout in the photo above! Funny how I can spend days working on some minute detail of a layout - only to abandon the whole thing for months afterwards in a remote corner of the basement. But that's the nice thing about hobbies: They're always there, waiting patiently, unlike everything else in our lives.






Found it! Dr Livingstone I presume?






Next, locate the workbench! I blame Ikea for this, almost all the clutter in this photo is from there.






Right, so where were we? The only real progress over the summer has been cutting out the brick sheets in order to dress the inside and outside of the main foamboard structure.






I originally planned to use Slater's English bond for the job, but then noticed Jim SW's comment that the SE Finecast brick sheets give an older more rounded appearance to the bricks. Thanks for the tip, Jim. A further advantage is that the bricks will match the embankment brick walling on "The bay" - also from SEF.






The sheets measure 14" x 9". Lengthwise, that's not quite enough for the depot, so the necessary joins were concealed using this simple old trick.






I'm now fitting the cut-out sheets to both sides of the foam-board base, a satisfying job. Sadly, it seems clear that The depot won't make it for the RMweb Challenge deadline, but I'll continue working on it. You never know, I just might make it in time for next year's challenge deadline 🙂



Edited by Mikkel

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  • RMweb Gold

Hey Mikkel - welcome back!


Good to see progress on this project again.

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Good to see I'm not the only one whose modelling goes in fits and starts - keep up the good work



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Good to see you back Mikkel - I had found The Farthing Layouts on the previous RMweb and found your attention to detail in producing the atmosphere to be absolutely astounding :good_mini:.


I'll keep looking to watch your progress - learning from a master :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks all, it's nice to be modelling again. Haven't been totally away though, been lurking and following all the great work on here :). Thanks for the kind words Steve. The principle behind these little layouts is to not only "build the stage", but also "enact the play" - if that makes any sense :blink: - so it's nice if it's working.

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