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A series of completely unflattering photos



As per the blog title really.

There are certain jobs that I haven't done yet that have been annoying me and needed to be done.

The main one:

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The layouts looks a mess here and thats (mainly) because the pelmet has been sawn off and the backscene taken off but also because of the poor light. There is a good reason for this major cutback - don't worry I haven't yet gone mad!

The idea behind the layouts size was meant to be that I could fit it in a car for when I pass my driving test and have a car of my own. Unfortunately as I found out last week, this was not the case. The backscene and pelmet prevent the layout fitting in (a large) car. The idea is that hopefully having a removable pelmet and backscene will mean the layout can fit in a car. I am yet to finalise how I am going to achieve this but I do have a rough idea in my head that involves hinges.


The removal of the backscene and pelmet has also meant that I can access the layout better to work on it.


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The main unfinished bit on the layout is the castle. Here I have started the construction of the top of the castle gun emplacements. There will eventually be a textured surface, handrails and a couple AA guns.


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The ground frames have been placed in their approximate positions and ballasting has been started where there is no inlaid track.


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A new path is in the process of being built from the castle to the communications hut (out of sight to the right) where a new cobbled surface will be complete with hand crane.


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And finally a start has been made on glazing the coastguard building.


There's still a loooong list of stuff to finish - it's just finding the time.

I apologise for the poor quality of the photos as none were taken in daylight hours.


Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

You're right there James! But as they say, its the little jobs that make a big difference.

Hopefully the next update will have some better photos.

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