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Chris Nevard



nevard_110103_catcott-reeds_IMG_8878_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.


When somebody mentions hemp, especially if they look a tad thin, speak rather slowly in a warbling manner, have their hair platted, wear colourful home knits as well as knitting their own wall paper, we tend to associated it with something smoked that will generate a mind altering experience. Yeah-man!


For most people who are not so much into ‘vegetable rights and peace’ as coined by Neil off the early 1980’s BBC comedy ‘The Young Ones’, they will know it is the key ingredient of another kind of joint and one which is serviced by a plumber to stop leaks.


Us modelrailway nutters have a third use for it, and one that is mainly artistic. The fibrous nature of the stuff which looks oddly like the hair of a hippy is perfect for replicating anything from miniature thatch through to fields of barley at Pendon, and in my case reeds when coloured.


The above is part the canal side reburbishment of Catcott Burtle currently taking place for the Astotolat Model Railway Show in Guildford on Saturday 15 January 2011.

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The hemp looks very useful, although my layout "Scotsward Bridge" is in the wood-butchering phase, so I must contain myself. Otherwise, your post had me over to your website, refreshing my memory of 'Catgot, where I found an image I've somehow missed: the one(s) with the green Morris Traveller. I passed my test in the same type and colour, in 1965, age seventeen, when all things are possible in the life to come. I rather think both black-and-white and colour will alternate fairly permanently on my desktop. Mind, alongside a B1, K3, J37 or something of that ilk' would be beyond bliss. (At my age you take your bliss where ever you can get it... :blush_mini:


All the best for the New Year.



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Hi Chris, like your use of the plummers hemp, Ive used it scenically myself in the past. I look forward to seeing Catcott at Guildford as I'll be there with my 009 layout Lower Peak Wharf for its last public outing under my ownership.


Regards John.

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Thank you for all the kind comments, scenic as most know is my favourite bit.

I'm looking forward to seeing Lower Peak Wharf and might have to grab a few snaps if there's time. I recall a nice little featurette some time ago in the Toddler(?) and being reather impressed!

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Well mate, this is interesting.... differs from your usual blog posts abit :rolleyes: Police happen to find their way into my house some way or another so this method might be abit of 'a fail.' I have to ask though, what do you use most commonly for grass? You seem to capture the British feel far more sucsessfully then others.




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Thanks Adam - you're very kind.

Grass here is a right old mix of hanging basket liner, Silfor and long static grass applied with a Grasmaster.

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