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Friday night workbench



Have set myself a deadline this week. I recieved some military whitemetal kits on Tue, and I going to try and have them finished within a week. Its now Friday and they are finally put together. Undercoat first thing in the morning, and hopefully a 1st coat of OD sat nite. Maybe, just maybe they will be finished within a week, stay tuned.



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I can't help wondering what's happening on your layout that the army's had to be called in. :) Or are they UNIT? But yes, they're looking good.

Who are they from, BTW?

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Looks like a rather substantial battery that you've got there, and I especially like the way in which you have managed to recreate the green that Dinky used for their immediate post-war models! (...and before anyone comments, they were my fathers toys that I used to play with as I still of a sufficient vintage to have had them first hand.... :P )


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that they are 12mm MiniFigs? I recognise the Quad/limber/25 pdr, and the White scout car; I think the small tanks at the back are either an M3 or an M5? But what is the small truck?

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Oops - where the hell is the edit button?


(...and before anyone comments, they were my fathers toys that I used to play with as I still of a sufficient vintage to have had them first hand.... :P )



Should read: "...they were my fathers toys that I used to play with, as I AM NOT of a sufficient vintage to have had them first hand...." :blink:

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Well were to start. Why Army railway loads? Why not! The S&DJR was used extensively during the build-up to the D-Day invasions. I could of gone with the usual load of tanks, but I am a gunner, so Artillery it is (My Scots will eventually become 6144 + 6157).



Where did they come from. Well the finished Quad/limber/25lb are Gramodels which pick-up several years ago. Another one of those "I'll get around to it eventually projects". The quad was in 2 bits, just needing to fix the roof section. As for the gun, well it didn't look right to me! (and I do walk past several of them everyday at work) The new batch I got from Pithead Miniatures, who manufacture to 1/150, compatible to both 10mm + 12mm wargamers. They have a varied range, especially in support vehicles. They have a 40mm Bofor's set which I'm looking at next.



What are they? Quad - correct, limber - Mk 3, 25 lb-er Mk 3, White M3A1 scout car - correct, Humber Mk IV armoured car and 15cwt radio truck.



Flooding - well the Stour, which runs through Stur, no dobut does flood, but only pic's I've seen are of a pub, the Bull Inn, flooding in Stur. As for Army flooding relief, Sithlord can attest the pics I sent him earlier in the week of the Aussie Army providing assistance, (unfortunately there still on my work computer).



DUKW - I'm sure there is 1 avaialble out there somewhere.

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Thanks for the identifications; I'd never heard of Pithead-Miniatures before, and as you say they do have a nice range of 'support' vehicles Some of which will most definately find themselves on the station forecourt of Calne circa 1942...:)

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