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Cooperage Services for Harrap, Farmer & Maddocks Devon Brewers

Chris Nevard




nevard_110406_brewhouseQ_IMG_9620_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.


With the weekend ahead, now's the time for a little 'Friday feeling' sillyness.....


Brewhouse Quay: Looking across the canal wharf sidings at the little ex-Midland Railway Johnson 1P 0-4-4 which has just opened up the regulator to blast over the wagon turntable.


In the brewery it was frowned at to run anything bigger than an 0-4-0 over these little turntables, so the unwritten rule was to open the regulator and quickly bounce over the offending item when the foreman popped in for a pint or two of mild and bitter ale. This he did regularly.


With the move over the metal casks at many breweries, many had by the late 1950's lost their traditional cooperages. However the brewery here still was able to perform cooperage services for other breweries, the red LNER van being being loaded up with a consignment of overhauled casks for Farmer, Harrap & Maddocks Brewery in nearby East Devon.


Again, Ivan Locksmith's ancient Austin can be seen parked in shot.


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  • RMweb Gold

Now that has turned out nice Chris, Love the inset trackwork.


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  • RMweb Gold

"Farmer, Harrap & Maddocks Brewery" - if their beer's as good as their models, Mine's a Pint :D


Seriously nice looking track & cobbles, again the low level makes it seem a lot wider than reality B)

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Thanks chaps!


There's a long way to go yet, but it runs fully and it now starting to look like a proper model railway at last. I'd bring it down to MaddocksRail next weekend, but with Catcott the I'm fully loaded sadly.


Its first outing will hopefully be at Model Rail Live in September at Roll Out The Barrowhill Roundhouse in Chesterfield, there it will be use to showcase the new Model Rail/Dapol Sentinel etc....


I was only going to cobble the foreground, but the technique pressing a ball point pen (without the ball point) into DAS is so easy I decided to do the whole lot. They're not perfect as I'm sure non-modellers will take delight in telling me, but it's all about effect/illusion and there's no way I have the time or inclination to carve every set individually. As we all know, this hobby is a balance of time, ability, whilst still having a life away from the workbench and here - that I'm sure the more sane without dead mothers in cupboards understand fully.

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'Taking a run at the wagon turntable' Well I remember the day when Farmer and Maddocks were left on their own for a while whilst I joined Ivan and the foreman in the alehouse for a wet. Yes they took a run at it but didn't heed the advice to apply the locking tab with predictable results. I think if you look very closely you can still make out the flange marks across the cobbles and maybe just a little ding in the corner of the building. Nice work Chris. Brian.

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Thanks Brian - I would not be telling the truth of I didn't mention that Quai:87 hasn't had some influence here. See you at the weekend I guess B)

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