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Dutch Syphon- Are we there yet..



I trust everybody enjoyed the Members Day, it was a great occasion where we could all come together as one forum; personal thanks must go out to Andy and all of the team for the planning and operation. It was truly superb!


Having come away with a lighter wallet and an incentive to make some more progress with the 37, I have spent some time carrying out further weathering and detailing to this locomotive during the course of the day. I have used a slightly different method with this model, but I feel that it has worked well and the results are pleasing.

Mixing together SM371 & Matt 66 with a drop of varnish created a subtle tone in which the level of fade was acceptable.The roof was tackled slightly differently, with a hint of grey added in to the mix. Having allowed this to dry, I added MIG 'Black Smoke' to the areas which I felt would be gathered. Here are some photo's;






If I'm honest, I'm pleased with how this model has turned out; combining all of the experience and advice I have learnt from forum members. There is still some extra detailing to be carried out.

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Thanks James, I've learnt a lot of techniques and method's over the past couple of year's which I'm enjoying applying practically. I'm now considering fabricating the absent pipe work around the bogies.

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