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Here we go!



Well this it, My first attempt at "Blogging" (If that is the correct term).


This bit is all new to me so please excuse if I make a few mistakes along the way.

I am not adding much content yet until I see how this "Blogging" lark works.

I'll just post some thing of an introduction for now and see what happens. Indeed I shall be surprised If anything does happen or I get any comment back saying "Yes I can read your blog"


If there is no feed back then I have obviously done something wrong some where and it will be back to the drawing board.



So, folks I would appreciate any comment at all just to prove that what I write and publish can be read before I waste any more time typing in more drivel.


Cheers everybody!

Frank (AKA Dukedog)


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Well you've created a blog and it's appeared in the right place Frank so you can tick that off!


A good blog features interesting content and individual blogs can gain quite a following (as I see how many notification messages go out when there are updates to certain blogs) and often the comments/dialogue that follows an entry is nicely related to that entry before the blog writer moves onto the next subject of his choosing. It's about giving the writer more control of the flow of information than a traditional topic does.


Good luck!

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I also started blog just to see how it works and if it was for me. (I now have 2 on here...)

I woudn't worry about a lack of feedback, sometimes it takes a while for a blog to get established or find its audience, if that makes any sense.

I'll be reading anyway!



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Nice to see you having a go Frank. Go for it mate !!!!

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Thanks all for the comments, help and advice given above.


As I said earlier all this "blogging" is new to me. Being some thing of a Luddite might have some thing to do with it!


I have started another blog so I can keep this one for general ramblings, Prototype gricing reports, general comments and so on.


I am open to ideas on what I should or should not include in my blogs as I have got over 12 months work that I never published here due to being "away" for a while.


I will try and keep the blogs updated at least weekly so readers can see what I have been up to.


Cheers all and thanks again for help and advice.



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