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an upgrade...from boxfile to shelf....



Good morning,


Since its first (and probably will be its last) exhibition, the layout has been avoiding the dust for approximately 16 months now back in its boxfile(s), but was set up again briefly the other week when the Dapol 26 arrived.


I had always promised myself that I would finish off this layout and bring it up to scratch. Rather than piggyback its revamp on my coombe junction - moorswater blog, I thought perhaps it might be better having its own separate one.


Here is a quick 10 slide refresher of the project...




It started as most of my layouts do with a sketch or two...




and the idea of flying back to the UK in my hand luggage gathered momentum...




An initial corrugated brown cardboard mock up was developed...




Which was refined into a white card structure to fit within a Muji boxfile...including the backscene...




Once unpacked it was ready to erect...




And trackwork commenced using the EASITRAC system which had just appeared...




The layout was almost finished for the Burgess Hill Model Railway club 2010 exhibition...




And the cabin luggage contents ran (not without a few troubles) for about 6 hours...




Most recently, the new Dapol 26 was placed to help bring back my interest in it...




The layout will now be developed between now and christmas to try and bring up to a better standard...


I have made myself a number of targets on a list which need to be addressed which include inter-alia the following:


1 - Rewire layout completely


2 - Ensure faultless running qualities


3 - Finish station building


4 - Redo awful backscene


5 - General bringing up to scratch of scenics including dockside and water


6 - Detail locos and rolling stock including building a selection of Stephen Harris wagon kits



Last night, I laid it all out, connected it and unbelievably the 37 ran first time after 16 months packaged, however I need to think about a number of serious issues that have become apparent with the layout. Namely, there are too many joints which are proving a headache and it takes a little longer to set up than I would like.


The original idea, was to have a mini layout that could be run for about 30 mins to allow a little fun / shunting etc so I am now seriously considering joining it permanently together (which would resolve a fair number of issues) and upgrading it from a boxfile to an IKEA Lack shelf...what else? :laugh:


I have realised that although the layout is 1200mm in length and the Lack shelf is 1100, I can lose 100mm off the fiddleyard and use my cassettes from coombe junction which are 500mm...just need to check this. Another sketch in progress... :rolleyes:


I aim to set up an index soon for the blog and add all the previous build entries that are currently interspersed with my other blog, which I hope to start in the next few days.



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Pete... first and last exhibition, let's hope not. I really enjoyed seeing this displayed last year and I hope that other RMWebbers will get that chance too. However.. does fitting it to a Lack mean that it will loose its portability, or will it be a case of campagning easyJet to increase their cabin baggange allowance (good luck with that).

It will be good to see how this develops... something to focus on after the viaduct. Excellent.


On a seperate note, seeing you mention Blog Indexes... I've not found how to do this (despite searching on here).. could you add a link to the relevant instructions; I think I could use these to advantage for my blogs.


Oh, and I missed the sponsor's message - This entry brought to you by IKEA



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Jon - I must admit, I have changed my views on the layout in the last few days.


Yes, I would like to finish it...and have some fun with it but there are some things that are just too irritating about it...like the set up time, alignments because there are 3 main joints to deal with, which in turn affects running...and we all hate layouts that don't work proper...it limped its way through the BHMRC exhibition with one loco but I now have a 24, 26 and 37 to work with... ;)


In terms of Indexing...ahem...I can't recall how I did it or where I found it as I did it for CJM on the previous software...I will have a look around though (unless anyone cares to jump in here and help?)



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I recall that you had some issues with its running - wasn't there a problem with a 24 (25?) that you'd just re-wheeled? And I can understand the set up issue - a portability vs quick playability issue.


If you could search for the index that'd be great - I couldn't find it on here... and I did look .


Thanks again... and lookign forward to further progress.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good memory Jon...Yes my 24 was re-wheeled the night before and ran like a dog so was re-wheeled with its original wheels meaning it couldn't negotiate the turnouts...it made celebrity appearances backing on to the passenger rake and leaving discretely. I did run my 26 on it last night and although it coughed on the turnouts a little, it was very smooth and will be very at home with 2FS wheels.


I will try and find the index...that is one of the things that really enhances the blogs - hopefully it still exists!

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  • RMweb Premium

Could you cantilever the cassettes to enable you to keep the 1200 length?

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  • RMweb Gold
Could you cantilever the cassettes to enable you to keep the 1200 length?


Could do Kris...but I have it set up on the shelf now...and I think I could still run good train lengths in 500mm.


The trouble is...either I give the layout a new lease of life by making into something more interesting...or I bin it...

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Hi Pete,


Good to see this again. I'd be interested to know a bit more about your setup time issues and your board joint arrangement since someone I know (not me!) is contemplating doing something similar.


I haven't quite got the hang of the new look RMWeb - some things that used to work with content blocks now behave a little strangely. It also used to tell me when you posted something but it seems to be a bit hit and miss with that too.

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  • RMweb Gold
I'd be interested to know a bit more about your setup time issues and your board joint arrangement since someone I know (not me!) is contemplating doing something similar.

Andy, hi - Thanks. In terms of set up, I had wanted it to fall together in 5 minutes, run it for 20 and pack it away in 5 but a number of experiments didn't quite go as planned.


If I was doing it again, I would reconsider timber for the substructure and hinge the join (as per Anthony Yeates great boxfile layout) I kept my in card and foamboard but it has too much 'give' and also is too light when sat on a table top...the whole thing starts to slide acoss the table when you throw the dpdt to change the turnout :(


My other idea of attaching all the backscenes using velcro strips/pads also didn't work as planned as they were not strong enough. I ended up using a lot of double sided tape at the exhibition which worked fine...and although was well hidden...was lacking a little finesse!


I would say minimise the joints and if possible wire the boards together to avoid having to connect each time. These are some of the things I want to address in its make over.


I haven't quite got the hang of the new look RMWeb - some things that used to work with content blocks now behave a little strangely. It also used to tell me when you posted something but it seems to be a bit hit and miss with that too.

No worries...as per me, just when you crack it...the next software update will arrive... ;)

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Glad to see you've fixed the index, Pete. Now all you need is tags and categories as Will suggested.


Also good to see this little layout again. It will be interesting to see how it turns out on the new base.



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  • RMweb Gold

Many thanks Nick


I'll have to save tags and categories for another day...redoing all that has just finished me off for tonight! Am pleased to have cracked it now though as it was really bugging me...


Thanks also for your comments on the layout - I think the changes will transform it considerably so expect to see a few more updates in the next few days.

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I hadn't seen this one before although I had heard the name - very catchy. I think the sense of space is really good for a shallow layout.


Putting it on the shelf seems like a good idea - much more fun to have something that runs reliably so your 20 minutes playing trains doesn't become 20 minutes of swearing and prodding. Particularly if you're braving the finescale world - I think boxfiles with something like Kato track would be quite reliable since the track bed connects together securely, but then you're stuck with Kato track.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Will - It was started on the old forum, tracked briefly on here but has been hibernating for the last 16 months.


You are probably right about the Kato track - I think there is a modular layout being constructed on the forum somewhere using it and for that it seems ideal...but after changing to 2mmFS, it would be difficult to accept other forms of trackwork now.


It was really done to have a crack at a Scottish micro layout inspired by all those Ian Futers projects...lets see how it turns out.

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Top layout Pete,

That class 26 does look good. I have a few 4mm models that need a layout to run on one day.


Cheers Peter.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Peter - I cringe at parts of it now...but I hope to address those things before Santa arrives...

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I have found your Kyle in a Boxfile, and thus the comming shelve reincarnation very insprirational.


I have only one further question will you be exhibiting it soon!



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  • RMweb Gold

Many thanks Lisa,


At present, I have no further plans to exhibit it I am afraid...if I ever relocate back to the UK then it would be a lot easier...but that's not in the life plan at present...but never say never ;)

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First time I have had a proper look at this project - I shall keep an eye on it though :)

hope it all goes well and is finished quickly.........Now why would I want that to happen I wonder? ;)

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  • RMweb Gold
........Now why would I want that to happen I wonder?


Is it because I can then move on to my 7mm Wendfordbridge dries model...which has also been hibernating ;)

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I would reconsider timber for the substructure and hinge the join (as per Anthony Yeates great boxfile layout)


That reminds me... I must write some words about South Yard some time... my solution is... make it so small that you don't need joins... actually I don't claim any originality on that one (or anything else for that matter).

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  • RMweb Gold
That reminds me... I must write some words about South Yard some time...


Please do...am a big fan of micro layouts.


Rewire commencing this evening...

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  • RMweb Gold
In that case I'll probably have to settle for following it with interest on RMWeb!


Thanks...I still like the idea of building another boxfile layout some day (a model of Thurso) so once I have cleared the backlog of layouts to be finished...I might get a chance to fly that inbound UK!

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