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5Bel 4Epb continued



Hi All,


Some more pics of the 4Epb. The underframe bits are from Replica for their MLV. The dummy motor bogie are MJT castings on the Southern Pride bogie shell. Wheels are the excellent(and cheap) Hornby ones. It will be powered by a Hornby ringfield power bogie. This has enough power to pull an eight or even a ten car train. Just a few holes to drill for the handrails at the front then painting. This one will be BFYE. I also intend to model one of the units fitted with B5 bogies as an experiment in the 60s.



Ready for the Paintshop.



Dummy motor bogie and underframe details.



Roof modifications.



SO ready for painting.


The other two coaches are nearly ready for the paintshop. Hopefully the motor bogie and its side frames should be in the postal system somewhere as I write this.


Cheers for now, Ian


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That's a good looking EPB icon_thumbsup2.gif


Thanks very much Pete. It's also quite an easy EPB, what with fush glazing packs and no hinges to put on!!

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Did I hear someone say: no door hinges?! Do you think you can chop a HAP out of the same bits? I'm amazed that these MLV bits are available yet the RTR version never seems to ever appear. Or have I missed something?

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Hi All,


No hinges!!biggrin.gif In fact all the bodyside stuff has been retained. I have had a look at doing a Hap and I think it is possible. I would use part of a BG bodyside(I have a spare one in the loft!) for the toilet window area. The window would need shortening to match the others, but if you use Replicas flush glaze toilet window you can alter that to match. Hopefully the MLV won't be to far away, thats the impression I got when I talked to them at the Peterborough show. As for the 4Epb its getting its blue coat at the moment.


Cheers for now, Ian

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