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Trowell, Ilkeston, Derbyshire



Well I managed it! Four weekends in February and four model railway shows visited,.....and my wife is still talking to me! Result!!!


This is another small show, but I really did enjoy it. Lots of very good layouts to enjoy. The club's own model of Ilkeston Town station in 00 gauge was excellent a really good depiction of the branch line terminus from the days of the LMS. The scenics were excellent.

The Soar Valley M.R.C layout, Aylett End, is one I have seen a couple of times before. It is also very nice and there always seemed to be something happening. The last couple of times I saw it it seemed to be worked by sound fitted locos, on this occasion it didn't seem to be the case though. Despite this I still very much enjoyed watching the action once again.


Now that I am in the middle of sorting out the exhibition for my school, any show visit seems to involve looking for exhibits. Today was a big success. I liked Chris Trafford's ironing board layout "Board Lane" so much that I asked him if he was free straight away. Layout booked - just need to put him somewhere in the floor plan. It was a great little shunting layout in 00 gauge fine scale and I could have watched it for ages. How impressive to fit so much in such a small space!


Great credit also goes to the Ilkeston Woodside MRC members. This was their 10th annual show and their 25th anniversary. They were such a great help to me. A chance conversation with a member produced all sorts of help with the possibilities of layouts and trade stands. A big thanks to all, with support like that no wonder they have been running for so long. I look forward to seeing them at our show in November.


My only disappointment - well two actually!

1) I still can't find the dry stone wall pieces I need for the rear of the station on my Skaleby layout. I did buy a book to help with my ideas for Skaleby West though, so my money didn't stay in my pocket this time.

2) I picked the wrong time to go to the canteen. Just as the exhibitors lunches were being given out! No bacon ready for the general public! Not going to complain though, the exhibitors need their lunches and the cup of tea and cake was nice instead. Apparantly the bacon sandwiches were very nice - so says my father in law. Yes! 2 weeks after we bought him his first Hornby train set for his 65th birthday he is now firmly bitten by the modelling bug and Trowell was his first show. He spent more than me too!!!!


So 4 shows in 4 weekends. Can I make it 5 in 5??? Well there is the Mansfield show on Saturday and Sunday. I wonder if the wife will babysit.....


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One small comment, Ilkeston Town is the work of Nottingham MRS, Ilkeston Woodside club had part of their Kimberley layout on show

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One small comment, Ilkeston Town is the work of Nottingham MRS, Ilkeston Woodside club had part of their Kimberley layout on show

Sorry! I stand corrected. Congrats to the Nottingham MRS. Ilkeston Woodside is a great layout. And I will be definitely going to Nottingham on the Sunday of the weekend.

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You know it makes sense Andy, make sure you find me upstairs and have a chat ;)

I have been given a "pass out" providing the wife recovers from the flu in time. If not I may just come and bring baby girl with me! Hope to see you there.

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