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NWR Modified Class 28 No.5 'James' - A Profile




NWR No.5 'James,' as seen in March 2012. One of the first locomotives to work the line, for years this engine was the pride of the line, pulling the top expresses alongside No.5972 on the original line. Even today the engine is still highly regarded as a powerful and capable machine that is able to do everything with little difficulty - pulling stone trains or passenger services, the locomotive is adept at doing everything. These days, however, it's usually other engines that handle thie powerful expresses, leaving No.5 to simply show off its striking looks.



The side profile of the locomotive, where the simple yet clean lines stand out well. In regards to its performance, the locomotive is able to pull some trains of moderate weight and length, but is able to spin its wheels when faced with heavier loads. Despite the age of this locomotive (believed to have arrived around 2004 or so), the performance is still exceptional - a testament to the relative value of a locomotive such as this.



The front of the locomotive, where some touching up has been done to the smokebox area.



The cab area ofthe locomotive - plain, simple, yet decent and somewhat accurate.



The tender, with its slightly fading lining and slightly worn looks, yet still capable of doing its job slightly well.



The rear of the locomotive, showing a bit more cosmetic wear on the locomotive like the tender itself - overall a decent locomotive that still performs reasonably well and is always able to continue its former duties whenever used.


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