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Cheslyn Station



Time for an update. The station building has now been completed (few minor details to do). This is the Scalescenes Small Station Building kit which has been extended - the Scalescenes Gent's Kit has also been added to the gable end. I'm a bit of a Scalescenes nut and very much enjoy making and modifying the kits. I'm crap at painting plastic building kits so really love the crisp detail of the textures - there is a wide range of kits and papers allowing you to scratchbuild and modify to your hearts content. The station isn't typical GWR, but not every station was built from stone. The fencing panel with the enamel signs is designed to lift out so it can be replaced with different posters/signs as the intention is not to stick to a specific period. The buildings are also not fixed so they can be replaced with modern variants if required.




Another shot of the building showing the Water Tower - this can also be removed if I want to move the model forward in time etc.






The next shot is of the finished embankment - this is my first big country scene so I hope I've made the foliage/grass realistic enough.




The last shot looking down toward the proposed coal siding and bridge. The signal is a Ratio kit and was really very fiddly to put together - any suggestions as how to power it from under the baseboard? I was thinking of using a point motor or a really long piece of stiff wire as a throw. I could also do with a bit of advice on the correct placement of the ground signals.




Any comments/suggestions are most welcome.

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Looks great Mike - amazed how quick you make progress.


The only comment I have is re the station building. Very nicely constructed of course but I find that small canopy building doesn't sit architecturally with the others - is the idea that it was added to replace something larger that previously existed?


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  • RMweb Premium

Looks great Mike - amazed how quick you make progress.


The only comment I have is re the station building. Very nicely constructed of course but I find that small canopy building doesn't sit architecturally with the others - is the idea that it was added to replace something larger that previously existed?



Hi Pete. Thanks for the comments. I only appear to work fast - my wife loves to watch all the soaps and all that other inane singing/dancing competition rubbish so I disappear into the loft and do at least 2 hrs modeling per evening. Unless, of course, there actually is something worth watching like on BBC4 instead. This drip-drip approach really does bear fruit. There are times though when I get over frustrated with something and I'll throw it all in for about a week!


I agree with your comment, but I want to avoid the cliche and decided to add the canopy shelter as a sort of after thought building - more of an add on rather than replacement. The model is currently set at around 1912-1935 - a time when traffic was slowly increasing. I guess the fictitious station planers had to provide a small outside shelter for passengers as they needed to move them out of the brick building in order to provide a ladies rest room and a secure space to accommodate more parcels, station masters office etc (it is actually part of the Scalescene kit also). It isn't intended to be a typical GWR station - more a sleepy, run down and unimportant backwater - so it is going to have a quirky element. I was also inspired by the following painting of Chedworth Station which has a surprisingly similar shelter. You can find the pic here -







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  • RMweb Premium

Looks great, well done. I am a fan of Scalescenes too, fun to build and modify. Embankment looks good to me.




Thanks for the comments. Yep, Scalescenes is a great product and offers the likes of me an easy way to create good looking buildings - wouldn't know where to start with Plasticard!


I'm glad you like the embankment - getting scenery right is real hard work. I've ploughed the internet, books etc looking for photographs to work from. Static grass is a great product and really does work even if applied from a humble puffer bottle.





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  • RMweb Gold

I agree with your comment, but I want to avoid the cliche and decided to add the canopy shelter as a sort of after thought building - more of an add on rather than replacement. The model is currently set at around 1912-1935 - a time when traffic was slowly increasing. I guess the fictitious station planers had to provide a small outside shelter for passengers as they needed to move them out of the brick building in order to provide a ladies rest room and a secure space to accommodate more parcels, station masters office etc (it is actually part of the Scalescene kit also). It isn't intended to be a typical GWR station - more a sleepy, run down and unimportant backwater - so it is going to have a quirky element. I was also inspired by the following painting of Chedworth Station which has a surprisingly similar shelter.


Thanks to reply Mike.. its good that you have a narrative to accompany it.


I suppose I was thinking more if the shelter was built alongside then perhaps it might have been slightly detached from the building....to let each of them breathe so to speak...but that's just me with my architect's hat on!


Overall, its looking great...keep avoiding those dire TV programmes and we can enjoy more progress ;)

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